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KryptonDockingManager Events

The KryptonDockingManager type exposes the following members.

Public eventAutoHiddenGroupAdding
Occurs when a new auto hidden group is being added.
Public eventAutoHiddenGroupPanelAdding
Occurs when a new panel for hosting auto hidden groups is being added.
Public eventAutoHiddenGroupPanelRemoved
Occurs when an existing panel for hosting auto hidden groups is being removed.
Public eventAutoHiddenGroupRemoved
Occurs when an existing auto hidden group is being removed.
Public eventAutoHiddenSeparatorResize
Occurs when a separator is used to resize an auto hidden dockspace.
Public eventAutoHiddenShowingStateChanged
Occurs when an auto hidden page showing state changes.
Public eventDisposed
Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose method.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDockableNavigatorAdded
Occurs when a new dockable navigator control is being addd.
Public eventDockableNavigatorRemoved
Occurs when an existing dockable navigator control is being removed.
Public eventDockableWorkspaceAdded
Occurs when a new dockable workspace control is being addd.
Public eventDockableWorkspaceCellAdding
Occurs when a new dockable workspace control cell is being added.
Public eventDockableWorkspaceCellRemoved
Occurs when an existing dockable workspace control cell is being removed.
Public eventDockableWorkspaceRemoved
Occurs when an existing dockable workspace control is being removed.
Public eventDockspaceAdding
Occurs when a new dockspace control is being added.
Public eventDockspaceCellAdding
Occurs when a new dockspace control cell is being added.
Public eventDockspaceCellRemoved
Occurs when an existing dockspace control cell is being removed.
Public eventDockspaceRemoved
Occurs when an existing dockspace control is being removed.
Public eventDockspaceSeparatorAdding
Occurs when a new dockspace separator control is being added.
Public eventDockspaceSeparatorRemoved
Occurs when an existing dockspace separator control is being removed.
Public eventDockspaceSeparatorResize
Occurs when a separator is used to resize a docked dockspace.
Public eventDoDragDropEnd
Occurs when a drag drop operation has ended with success.
Public eventDoDragDropQuit
Occurs when a drag drop operation has been quit.
Public eventFloatingWindowAdding
Occurs when a new floating window is being added.
Public eventFloatingWindowRemoved
Occurs when an existing floating window is being removed.
Public eventFloatspaceAdding
Occurs when a new floatspace control is being added.
Public eventFloatspaceCellAdding
Occurs when a new floatspace control cell is being added.
Public eventFloatspaceCellRemoved
Occurs when an existing floatspace control cell is being removed.
Public eventFloatspaceRemoved
Occurs when an existing floatspace control is being removed.
Public eventGlobalLoading
Occurs when global docking configuration information is loading.
Public eventGlobalSaving
Occurs when global docking configuration information is saving.
Public eventOrphanedPages
Occurs when docking configuration information is loaded and existing pages have become orphaned because they are not used in the incoming configuration.
Public eventPageAutoHiddenRequest
Occurs when the user requests a page become auto hidden.
Public eventPageCloseRequest
Occurs when the user requests a page be closed.
Public eventPageDockedRequest
Occurs when the user requests a page become docked.
Public eventPageFloatingRequest
Occurs when the user requests a page become floating.
Public eventPageLoading
Occurs when page docking configuration information is loading.
Public eventPageNavigatorRequest
Occurs when the user requests a page become navigator tabbed.
Public eventPageSaving
Occurs when page docking configuration information is saving.
Public eventPageWorkspaceRequest
Occurs when the user requests a page become workspace tabbed.
Public eventRecreateLoadingPage
Occurs when docking configuration information is loading and a page needs creating to match incoming unique name.
Public eventShowPageContextMenu
Occurs when a docking context menu is about to be shown for a page.
Public eventShowWorkspacePageContextMenu
Occurs when a dockable workspace context menu is about to be shown for a page.
See Also