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IDockingElement Methods

The IDockingElement type exposes the following members.

Public methodFindDockingEdgeAutoHidden
Find a edge auto hidden element by searching the hierarchy.
Public methodFindDockingEdgeDocked
Find a edge docked element by searching the hierarchy.
Public methodFindDockingFloating
Find a floating docking element by searching the hierarchy.
Public methodFindDockingNavigator
Find a navigator element by searching the hierarchy.
Public methodFindDockingWorkspace
Find a workspace element by searching the hierarchy.
Public methodFindPageElement
Find the docking element that contains the named page.
Public methodFindPageLocation
Find the docking location of the named page.
Public methodFindStorePageElement
Find the docking element that contains the location specific store page for the named page.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerableIDockingElement.)
Public methodLoadElementFromXml
Loads docking configuration information using a provider xml reader.
Public methodPropogateAction(DockingPropogateAction, KryptonPage)
Propogates an action request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogateAction(DockingPropogateAction, Int32)
Propogates an action request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogateAction(DockingPropogateAction, String)
Propogates an action request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogateBoolState
Propogates a boolean state request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogateCellList
Propogates a workspace cell list request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogateDragTargets
Propogates a request for drag targets down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogateIntState
Propogates an integer state request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogatePageList
Propogates a page list request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodPropogatePageState
Propogates a page request down the hierarchy of docking elements.
Public methodResolvePath
Resolve the provided path.
Public methodSaveElementToXml
Saves docking configuration information using a provider xml writer.
See Also