Click or drag to resize

DragData Methods

The EngineListViewDragData type exposes the following members.

Public methodContainsAudio
Indicates whether the data object contains data in the WaveAudio format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodContainsFileDropList
Indicates whether the data object contains data that is in the FileDrop format or can be converted to that format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodContainsImage
Indicates whether the data object contains data that is in the Bitmap format or can be converted to that format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodContainsText
Indicates whether the data object contains data in the UnicodeText format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodContainsText(TextDataFormat)
Indicates whether the data object contains text data in the format indicated by the specified TextDataFormat value.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAudioStream
Retrieves an audio stream from the data object.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetData(String)
Returns the data associated with the specified data format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetData(Type)
Returns the data associated with the specified class type format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetData(String, Boolean)
Returns the data associated with the specified data format, using an automated conversion parameter to determine whether to convert the data to the format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetDataPresent(Type)
Determines whether data stored in this DataObject is associated with, or can be converted to, the specified format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetDataPresent(String)
Determines whether data stored in this DataObject is associated with, or can be converted to, the specified format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetDataPresent(String, Boolean)
Determines whether this DataObject contains data in the specified format or, optionally, contains data that can be converted to the specified format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetFileDropList
Retrieves a collection of file names from the data object.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetFormats
Returns a list of all formats that data stored in this DataObject is associated with or can be converted to.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetFormats(Boolean)
Returns a list of all formats that data stored in this DataObject is associated with or can be converted to, using an automatic conversion parameter to determine whether to retrieve only native data formats or all formats that the data can be converted to.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetImage
Retrieves an image from the data object.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetText
Retrieves text data from the data object in the UnicodeText format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetText(TextDataFormat)
Retrieves text data from the data object in the format indicated by the specified TextDataFormat value.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetAudio(Byte)
Adds a Byte array to the data object in the WaveAudio format after converting it to a Stream.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetAudio(Stream)
Adds a Stream to the data object in the WaveAudio format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetData(Object)
Adds the specified object to the DataObject using the object type as the data format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetData(String, Object)
Adds the specified object to the DataObject using the specified format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetData(Type, Object)
Adds the specified object to the DataObject using the specified type as the format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetData(String, Boolean, Object)
Adds the specified object to the DataObject using the specified format and indicating whether the data can be converted to another format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetFileDropList
Adds a collection of file names to the data object in the FileDrop format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetImage
Adds an Image to the data object in the Bitmap format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetText(String)
Adds text data to the data object in the UnicodeText format.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodSetText(String, TextDataFormat)
Adds text data to the data object in the format indicated by the specified TextDataFormat value.
(Inherited from DataObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
See Also