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Capabilities Properties

The Capabilities type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdapters
A list of all graphics adapters installed on the system.
Public propertyBackend
The currently active rendering backend API.
Public propertyCurrentAdapter
Details about the currently active graphics adapter.
Public propertyHomogeneousDepth
Indicates whether depth coordinates in NDC range from -1 to 1 (true) or 0 to 1 (false).
Public propertyMaxBlits
The maximum number of texture blits in a single frame.
Public propertyMaxComputeBindings
The maximum number of compute bindings that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxDrawCalls
The maximum number of draw calls in a single frame.
Public propertyMaxDynamicIndexBuffers
The maximum number of dynamic index buffers that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxDynamicVertexBuffers
The maximum number of dynamic vertex buffers that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxEncoders
The maximum number of encoder threads.
Public propertyMaxFramebufferAttachments
The maximum number of attachments to a single framebuffer.
Public propertyMaxFramebuffers
The maximum number of frame buffers that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxIndexBuffers
The maximum number of index buffers that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxOcclusionQueries
The maximum number of occlusion queries that can be used.
Public propertyMaxPrograms
The maximum number of programs that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxShaders
The maximum number of shaders that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxTextureLayers
The maximum layers in a texture.
Public propertyMaxTextures
The maximum number of textures that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxTextureSamplers
The maximum number of texture samplers that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxTextureSize
The maximum size of a texture, in pixels.
Public propertyMaxUniforms
The maximum number of uniforms that can be used.
Public propertyMaxVertexBuffers
The maximum number of vertex buffers that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxVertexDecls
The maximum number of vertex declarations that can be allocated.
Public propertyMaxVertexStreams
The maximum number of vertex streams that can be used.
Public propertyMaxViews
The maximum number of render views supported.
Public propertyOriginBottomLeft
Indicates whether the coordinate system origin is at the bottom left or top left.
Public propertySupportedFeatures
A set of extended features supported by the device.
Public propertyTransientIndexBufferSize
The amount of transient index buffer space reserved.
Public propertyTransientVertexBufferSize
The amount of transient vertex buffer space reserved.
See Also