Click or drag to resize

KryptonPageFlags Enumeration

Specifies flags that can be applied to a KryptonPage

Namespace:  Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Navigator
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core.Editor (in NeoAxis.Core.Editor.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public enum KryptonPageFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
PageInOverflowBarForOutlookMode1Specifies that in the Outlook mode the page is shown on the overflow bar.
AllowConfigSave2Specifies that the page is allowed to be saved to configuration.
DockingAllowClose4Specifies that the user is allowed to close a docking page.
DockingAllowDropDown8Specifies that the user is allowed to select from a drop down button.
DockingAllowAutoHidden16Specifies that the user is allowed to make a page auto hidden.
DockingAllowDocked32Specifies that the user is allowed to make a page docked.
DockingAllowFloating64Specifies that the user is allowed to make a page floating.
DockingAllowWorkspace128Specifies that the user is allowed to make a page tabbed in a workspace.
DockingAllowNavigator256Specifies that the user is allowed to make a page tabbed in a navigator.
AllowPageReorder512Specifies that the page is allowed to be drag reordered.
AllowPageDrag1024Specifies that the page is allowed to be dragged from the navigator.
All65535Specifies that all flags are set.
See Also