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PolygonTools Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Internal.tainicom.Aether.Physics2D.Common
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public static class PolygonTools

The PolygonTools type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateArc
Public methodStatic memberCreateCapsule(Single, Single, Int32)
Creates an capsule with the specified height, radius and number of edges. A capsule has the same form as a pill capsule.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCapsule(Single, Single, Int32, Single, Int32)
Creates an capsule with the specified height, radius and number of edges. A capsule has the same form as a pill capsule.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCircle
Creates a circle with the specified radius and number of edges.
Public methodStatic memberCreateEllipse
Creates a ellipse with the specified width, height and number of edges.
Public methodStatic memberCreateGear
Creates a gear shape with the specified radius and number of teeth.
Public methodStatic memberCreateLine
Set this as a single edge.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRectangle(Single, Single)
Build vertices to represent an axis-aligned box.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRectangle(Single, Single, Vector2, Single)
Build vertices to represent an oriented box.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRoundedRectangle
Creates a rounded rectangle with the specified width and height.
See Also