Click or drag to resize

ShooterSceneScreen Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Project
Assembly:  Project (in Project.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public class ShooterSceneScreen : BasicSceneScreen

The ShooterSceneScreen type exposes the following members.

Public methodShooterSceneScreen
Initializes a new instance of the ShooterSceneScreen class
Public propertyAnyData
The user data of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyBackgroundColor
The background color of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyBackgroundRounding
The background rounding size.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyBaseType
Gets the base type of the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCanBeSelected
Whether the object is selectable in editor view.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyCanBeSelectedInHierarchy (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyCanClone
Whether the control is cloneable.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyCanFocus
Whether control can be focused.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyCapture (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyCloneSupport
Whether the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyColorMultiplier
The extra color multiplier applied to the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyComponents
Gets the collection of the child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCoverOtherControls (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyCreatedByBaseType
Whether the object is created using a base type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisplayInEditor
Whether to show the object in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisplayMessagesAboveObjects
Whether to display messages above characters and other objects.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyDisplayMessagesAboveObjectsMaxLength
The maximal length of the message above the controlled object by the player.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyDisplayMessagesAboveObjectsTime
The displaying time of the message above the controlled object by the player.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyDisplayMessagesAboveObjectsVisibilityDistance
The visibility distance of the messages above objects.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyDisposed
Whether the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorDocumentConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration data of the object's settings in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorReadOnly
Whether the object is read only in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorReadOnlyInHierarchy
Whether the object is read-only in the editor with respect to parent objects.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorScrollPosition
The editor scroll position of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyEditorZoomIndex (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyEnabled
Whether the component is enabled. Any functionality of component is not works when it disabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabledInHierarchy
Determines whether the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and enabled. The object will be enabled only when all parents are enabled, and the property Enabled is enabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabledInHierarchyAndIsInstance
Determines when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components, is enabled and the object if not part of a resource (it is usual object instance). The object will be enabled only when all parents are enabled, and the property Enabled is enabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEntranceScreen (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyFocused
Whether the control is focused or not.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyGameMode (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyHierarchyController
Gets the object hierarchy control controller.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyHorizontalAlignment
The horizontal alignment of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyInGameContextScreen (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyMargin
The margin of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyMousePosition
The current mouse pointer position in the local coordinates of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyMouseRelativeMode (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyName
The name of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkID (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsServer
Whether to work in network server mode. It is false until the scene is not loaded.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsSingle (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsSingleOrClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkLogic
Public propertyNetworkMode
Whether to enable synchronization of the component between server and clients.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkModeUsers (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyParentContainer
The parent container of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyParentControl (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyParentRoot
Gets the parent root object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyReadOnly
Whether the control is read-only.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyReadOnlyInHierarchy
Whether the control is read-only in hierarchy.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyRemoveFromParentQueued
Whether the object is placed in the detach queue from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertySaveSupport
Whether the object supports saving to a file.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyScene (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public propertyScreenClipRectangle
The clip rectangle of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyScreenLabel
The displaying mode of an on-screen label of the component in the scene editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertySize
The size of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertySpecialShader
The special shader of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertySpecialShaderApplyToChildren
Whether special shader is applied to children.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyStyle
The style of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyText
The text value of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyTime (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyTopMost
Whether the control is rendered on the top.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyTypeSettingsPrivateObjects
Object settings when used as a type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyVerticalAlignment
The vertical alignment of the control.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyVisible
Whether the control is visible.
(Inherited from UIControl.)
Public propertyVisibleInHierarchy (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodAddComponent
Adds a component as a child.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(ServerNetworkService_ComponentsClientItem, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(IListServerNetworkService_ComponentsClientItem, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(ServerNetworkService_UsersUserInfo, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(IListServerNetworkService_UsersUserInfo, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessageToEveryone (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessageToServer (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodChat_ReceiveText (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public methodClone
Creates a copy of the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodConvertLocalToScreen(Rectangle) (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodConvertLocalToScreen(Vector2) (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodConvertOffset (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodConvertOffsetX (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodConvertOffsetY (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodConvertScreenToLocal(Rectangle) (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodConvertScreenToLocal(Vector2) (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodCreateComponent(Type, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, NetworkModeEnum)
Creates a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodCreateComponent(MetadataTypeInfo, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, NetworkModeEnum)
Creates a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodCreateComponentT(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, NetworkModeEnum)
Creates a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodDispose
Detaches the object from the hierarchy and deletes the object data.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodEndNetworkMessage (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodEntranceScreenCreate (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodEntranceScreenDestroy (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindParent(Type)
Finds the parent of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindParent(MetadataTypeInfo)
Finds the parent of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindParentT
Finds the parent of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindThisOrParent(Type)
Finds the parent or self of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindThisOrParent(MetadataTypeInfo)
Finds the parent or self of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindThisOrParentT
Finds the parent or self of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFocus (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodGameMode_GetCameraSettingsEvent (Overrides BasicSceneScreenGameMode_GetCameraSettingsEvent(GameMode, Viewport, Camera, ViewportCameraSettingsClass).)
Protected methodGameMode_GetInteractiveObjectInfoEvent (Overrides BasicSceneScreenGameMode_GetInteractiveObjectInfoEvent(GameMode, InteractiveObjectInterface, InteractiveObjectObjectInfo).)
Protected methodGameMode_RenderTargetImageBefore (Overrides BasicSceneScreenGameMode_RenderTargetImageBefore(GameMode, CanvasRenderer, Boolean).)
Protected methodGameMode_ShowControlledObject (Overrides BasicSceneScreenGameMode_ShowControlledObject(GameMode, Viewport, Boolean).)
Public methodGetAllParents
Gets all parents of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponent(String, Boolean)
Finds a child component by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponent(Type, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds a child component of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponent(MetadataTypeInfo, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds a child component of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentT(Boolean, Boolean)
Finds a child component of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentByNameWithIndex
Finds a child component by name and number in the case when there are several components with the specified name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentByPath
Finds a child component by path.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, ActionComponent)
Finds child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds child components of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(MetadataTypeInfo, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds child components of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentsT(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, ActionT)
Finds child components of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetContinuousInteractionWidget (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetInstance
Public methodGetLocalOffsetByValue (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetParentContainerPixelScale (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetParentContainerSizeInPixels (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetParentContainerSizeInUnits (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetPathFromParent
Returns the path to the object from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetPathFromRoot
Returns the object's access path from the root object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetProvidedType
Returns a type when the object is used as a type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetScreenLabelInfo (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetScreenOffsetByValue (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetScreenOffsetByValueX (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetScreenOffsetByValueY (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetScreenPosition (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetScreenRectangle (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetScreenRectangle(Rectangle) (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetScreenSize (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetStyle (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInGameContextScreenCreate (Overrides BasicSceneScreenInGameContextScreenCreate.)
Protected methodInGameContextScreenDestroy (Overrides BasicSceneScreenInGameContextScreenDestroy.)
Public methodIsContinuousInteractionEnabled (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public methodIsMethodInvoking (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMetadataGetMemberBySignature
Returns the object metadata member by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMetadataGetMembers
Returns the object metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMethodInvoke
Calls a method by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMethodInvokeCancel (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMethodInvokeCancelAll (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkDisablePropertySynchronization (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkIsDisabledPropertySynchronization (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkModeAddUser (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkModeIsEnabledForUser (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkModeRemoveUser (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkRestoreDisabledPropertySynchronization (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration
Called when the object is created in the editor. Designed to configure the initial state.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNewObjectSetDefaultConfigurationUpdate
Called during object creation in the editor. Designed to configure the initial state.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnAddedToParent (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnAfterRenderUIWithChildren (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnBeforeRenderUIWithChildren (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnClientConnectedAfterRootComponentEnabled (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnClientConnectedBeforeRootComponentEnabled (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnClientDisconnected (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnClone
Called when the object is cloned.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnComponentAdded
Called when a child component is added.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnComponentRemoved (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnDisabled
Called when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnDisabledInSimulation
Called when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnDispose
Called when the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEditorGetTextInfoCenterBottomCorner (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEnabled
Called when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEnabledChanged
Called when value of Enabled property is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEnabledInHierarchyChanged (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnEnabledInSimulation (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnJoystickEvent (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnKeyDown (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnKeyDownBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnKeyPress (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnKeyPressBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnKeyUp (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnKeyUpBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnLoad
Called during object loading.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnMetadataGetMemberBySignature
Called when the object metadata member is received by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnMetadataGetMembers
Called upon receipt of the object's metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnMetadataGetMembersFilter (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnMouseDoubleClickBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnMouseDown (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnMouseDownBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnMouseMove (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnMouseUp (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnMouseUpBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnMouseWheel (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnMouseWheelBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnPreloadResources
Called when preloading the resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnReceiveNetworkMessageFromClient (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnReceiveNetworkMessageFromServer (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnRemovedFromParent (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnRenderUI (Overrides BasicSceneScreenOnRenderUI(CanvasRenderer).)
Protected methodOnResize (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnSave
Called during object saving.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnSimulationStep (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnSimulationStepClient
Called during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnSpecialInputDeviceEvent (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodOnTouch (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnTouchControlsUpdate (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Protected methodOnUpdate (Overrides BasicSceneScreenOnUpdate(Single).)
Protected methodPlayScreen_InputEnabledEvent (Overrides BasicSceneScreenPlayScreen_InputEnabledEvent(PlayScreen, Boolean).)
Public methodPreloadResources
Preload resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodPropertyGet(String, Object, Boolean)
Gets the value of a property by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodPropertySet
Sets the value of a property by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodRemoveAllComponents
Removes all child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodRemoveComponent
Removes a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodRemoveFromParent (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public methodResetCreateTime (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodScene_RenderEvent (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public methodToString
Returns the name and type of the object as a string.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodTouchControlsEnable (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public methodTypeSettingsIsPublic
Checks whether the object provided as a type is public.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodTypeSettingsIsPublicMember
Checks whether the member is set up as public.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodUnfocus (Inherited from UIControl.)
Protected methodUpdateContinuousInteractionWidget (Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public eventAddedToParent
Occurs when a component is added to the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventAfterRenderUIWithChildren (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventBackgroundColorChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventBackgroundRoundingChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventBeforeRenderUIWithChildren (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventCanBeSelectedChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventCloneEvent
Occurs when object is cloned.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventCloneSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of CloneSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventColorMultiplierChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventComponentAdded
Occurs when a child component is added.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentRemoved
Occurs when a child component is removed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentsChanged
Occurs when the set of children is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisabledEvent
Occurs when the object is disabled from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisplayInEditorChanged
Occurs when value of DisplayInEditor property is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisplayMessagesAboveObjectsChanged
Occurs when the DisplayMessagesAboveObjects property value changes.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public eventDisplayMessagesAboveObjectsMaxLengthChanged
Occurs when the DisplayMessagesAboveObjectsMaxLength property value changes.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public eventDisplayMessagesAboveObjectsTimeChanged
Occurs when the DisplayMessagesAboveObjectsTime property value changes.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public eventDisplayMessagesAboveObjectsVisibilityDistanceChanged
Occurs when the DisplayMessagesAboveObjectsVisibilityDistance property value changes.
(Inherited from BasicSceneScreen.)
Public eventDisposeEvent
Occurs when the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledChanged
Occurs when the Enabled property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledEvent
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInHierarchyChanged
Occurs when the EnabledInHierarchy property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventHorizontalAlignChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventJoystickEvent (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventKeyDown (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventKeyDownBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventKeyPress (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventKeyPressBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventKeyUp (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventKeyUpBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventLoadEvent
Occurs during object loading.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMarginChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMetadataGetMemberBySignatureEvent
Occurs when the object metadata member is received by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersEvent
Occurs upon receipt of the object's metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersFilterEvent
Occurs when filtering receive members of the object metadata.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseDoubleClickBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseDown (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseDownBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseEnter (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseLeave (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseMove (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseUp (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseUpBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseWheel (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventMouseWheelBefore (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventNameChanged
Occurs when component name is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventNetworkModeChanged
Occurs when the NetworkMode property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventPreloadResourcesEvent
Occurs when preloading the resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReadOnlyChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromServer (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventRemovedFromParent
Occurs when a component is removed from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventRenderUI (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventSaveEvent
Occurs during object saving.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSaveSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of SaveSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventScreenLabelChanged
Occurs when the ScreenLabel property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSimulationStep
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSimulationStepClient
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSizeChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventSpecialInputDeviceEvent (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventStyleChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventTextChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventTopMostChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventTouch (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventUpdateEvent
Occurs during the update process of all objects.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventVerticalAlignChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Public eventVisibleChanged (Inherited from UIControl.)
Extension Methods
See Also