Curve In Space Objects
A component to make objects by path of a Curve In Space. The component must be a child of the curve component.
| Description
| The assigned mesh to the curve.
Object In Space
| The assigned object in space to the curve.
Replace Material
| Replaces all geometries of the mesh by another material.
| The base color and opacity multiplier.
Visibility Distance Factor
| The factor of maximum visibility distance. The maximum distance is calculated based on the size of the object on the screen.
Cast Shadows
| Whether to cast shadows on the other surfaces.
Receive Decals
| Whether it is possible to apply decals on the surface.
Step Measure
| The measure of the step value.
| The step between objects.
Position Offset
| The offset to objects position.
Position Offset Random
| The random value to position offset.
Rotation Offset
| The offset to objects rotation.
Rotation Offset By Time
| The offset to objects rotation depending by step distance or by time.
Rotation Offset Random
| The random value to rotation offset.
Scale Random
| The range of the random scale multiplier.
Random Seed
| The seed for random parameters.
| Whether to have a collision body.
Collision Material
| The physical material used by the rigid body.
Collision Friction
| The amount of friction applied on the rigid body.
Collision Restitution
| The ratio of the final relative velocity to initial relative velocity of the rigid body after collision.
See also