Click or drag to resize

CommonHelper Methods

The CommonHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddControlToParent
Add the provided control to a parent collection.
Public methodStatic memberApplyPadding(Orientation, Rectangle, Padding)
Return the provided rectangle with orientation specific padding applied.
Public methodStatic memberApplyPadding(Orientation, Size, Padding)
Return the provided size with orientation specific padding applied.
Public methodStatic memberApplyPadding(VisualOrientation, Rectangle, Padding)
Return the provided rectangle with visual orientation specific padding applied.
Public methodStatic memberApplyPadding(VisualOrientation, Size, Padding)
Return the provided size with visual orientation specific padding applied.
Public methodStatic memberBlackenColor
Blacken a provided color by applying per channel percentages.
Public methodStatic memberBoolToString
Convert a Boolean to a culture invariant string value.
Public methodStatic memberButtonStyleToPalette
Convert from ButtonStyle to PaletteButtonStyle.
Public methodStatic memberCheckContextMenuForShortcut
Check a short cut menu for a matching short and invoke that item if found.
Public methodStatic memberClientMouseMessageToScreenPt
Convert a client mouse position inside a windows message into a screen position.
Public methodStatic memberColorDepth
Get the number of bits used to define the color depth of the display.
Public methodStatic memberColorToBlackAndWhite
Convert the color to a black and white color.
Public methodStatic memberColorToString
Convert a Color to a culture invariant string value.
Public methodStatic memberContentStyleFromLabelStyle
Find the appropriate content style to match the incoming label style.
Public methodStatic memberCreateInstance
Create new instance of specified type within the designer host, if provided.
Public methodStatic memberDesignMode
Discover if the component is in design mode.
Public methodStatic memberDestroyInstance
Destroy instance of an object using the provided designer host.
Public methodStatic memberDoubleToString
Convert a double to a culture invariant string value.
Public methodStatic memberGetControlWithFocus
Search the hierarchy of the provided control looking for one that has the focus.
Public methodStatic memberGetRightToLeftLayout
Gets the form level right to left setting.
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowRealNCMargin
Gets the size of the borders requested by the real window.
Public methodStatic memberHasABorder
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration specifies at least one border.
Public methodStatic memberHasAllBorders
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration specifies all four borders.
Public methodStatic memberHasBottomBorder
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration includes the bottom border.
Public methodStatic memberHasLeftBorder
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration includes the left border.
Public methodStatic memberHasNoBorders
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration specifies no borders.
Public methodStatic memberHasOneBorder
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration specifies at least one border.
Public methodStatic memberHasRightBorder
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration includes the right border.
Public methodStatic memberHasTopBorder
Gets a value indicating if the enumeration includes the top border.
Public methodStatic memberImageToXmlCData
Convert a Image to a culture invariant string value.
Public methodStatic memberIsFormMaximized
Discover if the provided Form is currently maximized.
Public methodStatic memberIsFormMinimized
Discover if the provided Form is currently minimized.
Public methodStatic memberIsOverrideState
Gets a value indicating if the provided value is an override state.
Public methodStatic memberIsOverrideStateExclude
Gets a value indicating if the provided value is an override state but excludes one value.
Public methodStatic memberLogOutput
Output some debug data to a log file that exists in same directory as the application.
Public methodStatic memberMakeCustomDateFormat
Ensure that a single character format string is treated as a custom format.
Public methodStatic memberMergeColors(Color, Single, Color, Single)
Merge two colors together using relative percentages.
Public methodStatic memberMergeColors(Color, Single, Color, Single, Color, Single)
Merge three colors together using relative percentages.
Public methodStatic memberOrientateDrawBorders
Apply an orientation to the draw border edges to get a correct value.
Public methodStatic memberOrientatePadding
Modify the incoming padding to reflect the visual orientation.
Public methodStatic memberPaletteTextHintToRenderingHint
Convert from palette rendering hint to actual rendering hint.
Public methodStatic memberPerformOperation
Perform operation in a worker thread with wait dialog in main thread.
Public methodStatic memberPointToString
Convert a Point to a culture invariant string value.
Public methodStatic memberRealClientRectangle
Gets the real client rectangle of the list.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveControlFromParent
Remove the provided control from its parent collection.
Public methodStatic memberReverseOrientateDrawBorders
Apply a reversed orientation so that when orientated again it comes out with the original value.
Public methodStatic memberRoundedRectanglePath
Create a graphics path that describes a rounded rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberSeparatorStyleToMetricPadding
Get the correct metric padding for the provided separator style.
Public methodStatic memberSizeToString
Convert a Size to a culture invariant string value.
Public methodStatic memberStringToBool
Convert a culture invariant string value to a Boolean.
Public methodStatic memberStringToColor
Convert a culture invariant string value to a Color.
Public methodStatic memberStringToDouble
Convert a culture invariant string value to a double.
Public methodStatic memberStringToPoint
Convert a culture invariant string value to a Point.
Public methodStatic memberStringToSize
Convert a culture invariant string value to a Size.
Public methodStatic memberSwapRectangleSizes
Swap the width and height values for the rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberTextToXmlAttribute(XmlWriter, String, String)
Only persist the provided name/value pair as an Xml attribute if the value is not null or empty.
Public methodStatic memberTextToXmlAttribute(XmlWriter, String, String, String)
Only persist the provided name/value pair as an Xml attribute if the value is not null/empty and not the default.
Public methodStatic memberValidContextMenuStrip
Decide if the context menu strip should be displayed.
Public methodStatic memberValidKryptonContextMenu
Decide if the KryptonContextMenu should be displayed.
Public methodStatic memberVisualToOrientation
Convert from VisualOrientation to Orientation.
Public methodStatic memberWhitenColor
Whiten a provided color by applying per channel percentages.
Public methodStatic memberXmlAttributeToText(XmlReader, String)
Read the named attribute value but if no attribute is found then an empty string.
Public methodStatic memberXmlAttributeToText(XmlReader, String, String)
Read the named attribute value but if no attribute is found then return the provided default.
Public methodStatic memberXmlCDataToImage
Convert a culture invariant string value into an Image.
See Also