Click or drag to resize

Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit Namespace

Public classAccentColorService
Gets the Windows accent color
Public classAccurateText
Provide accurate text measuring and drawing capability.
Public classAccurateTextMemento
Encapsulate the information needed to draw text using the AccurateText class.
Public classAntiAlias
Set the SmoothingMode=AntiAlias until instance disposed.
Public classAntiAliasNone
Set the SmoothingMode=None until instance disposed.
Public classBreadCrumbMenuArgs
Details of the context menu showing related to a bread crumb.
Public classButtonController
Process mouse events for a standard button.
Public classButtonDragOffsetEventArgs
Details for an event that provides a button drag offset value.
Public classButtonDragRectangleEventArgs
Details for an event that discovers the rectangle that the mouse has to leave to begin dragging.
Public classButtonImageStates
Storage for button content value information.
Public classButtonSpec
Specifition for a button.
Public classButtonSpecAny
Button specification that can be assigned as any button type.
Public classButtonSpecCollectionT
Manage a collection of ButtonSpec instances.
Public classButtonSpecCollectionBase
Manage a collection of ButtonSpec instances.
Public classButtonSpecEventArgs
Details for button specification related events.
Public classButtonSpecFormFixed
Implementation for the fixed navigator buttons.
Public classButtonSpecFormFixedConverter
Add conversion to a string for display in properties window at design time.
Public classButtonSpecFormWindowClose
Implementation for the fixed close button for krypton form.
Public classButtonSpecFormWindowMax
Implementation for the fixed maximize button for krypton form.
Public classButtonSpecFormWindowMin
Implementation for the fixed minimize button for krypton form.
Public classButtonSpecHeaderGroup
KryptonHeaderGroup specific implementation of a button specification.
Public classButtonSpecManagerBase
Manage a collection of button specs for placing within a collection of docking views.
Public classButtonSpecManagerDraw
Manage a collection of button specs for placing within a collection of ViewDrawDocker instances.
Public classButtonSpecManagerLayout
Manage a collection of button specs for placing within a collection of ViewLayoutDocker instances.
Public classButtonSpecRemapByContentBase
Redirect requests for image/text colors to remap.
Public classButtonSpecRemapByContentCache
Redirect requests for image/text colors to remap.
Public classButtonSpecRemapByContentView
Redirect requests for image/text colors to remap.
Public classButtonSpecToContent
Map button spec tooltip value to content values.
Public classButtonSpecView
Create and manage the view for a ButtonSpec definition.
Public classButtonSpecViewControllers
Stores a triple of controller references.
Public classButtonValues
Storage for button content value information.
Public classCaptionValues
Storage for the group box caption values.
Public classCheckBoxController
Controller used to manage keyboard and mouse interaction withe a check box.
Public classCheckBoxImages
Storage for check box images.
Public classCheckButtonImageStates
Storage for check button content value information.
Public classCheckButtonValues
Storage for button content value information.
Public classClipping
Restrict graphics clipping using the provided path/region instance.
Public classCloseReasonEventArgs
Details for close reason event handlers.
Public classColorButtonValues
Storage for color button content value information.
Public classColorEventArgs
Color event data.
Public classCommonHelper
Set of common helper routines for the Toolkit
Public classContextMenuArgs
Details for context menu related events.
Public classContextMenuController
Controller for a VisualContextMenu popup.
Public classContextMenuImages
Storage for context menu images.
Public classContextMenuProvider
Implementation class used to provide context menu details to view elements.
Public classContextPositionMenuArgs
Details for context menu related events that have a requested relative position.
Public classControlDoubleBufferComposited
Public classCorrectContextControl
Temporary setup of the provided control in the context.
Public classDateTimeList
Manage a list of DateTime instances.
Public classDateTimeNullableConverter
Add DBNull/Null conversion for date time types.
Public classDateTimePickerCloseArgs
Details about the context menu that has been closed up on a KryptonDateTimePicker.
Public classDateTimePickerDropArgs
Details about the context menu about to be shown when clicking the drop down button on a KryptonDateTimePicker.
Public classDpiHelper
Public classDragStartEventCancelArgs
Details for an cancellable event that provides a position, offset and control value.
Public classDropDownButtonImages
Storage for drop down button images.
Public classDropShadowManager
Public classDWM
Helper routines for interacting with the Desktop Window Manager.
Public classFixedContentValue
Stores a text/extraText/Image triple of values as a content values source.
Public classGlobalId
Contains a global identifier that is unique among objects.
Public classGlobalStrings
Expose a global set of strings used within Krypton and that are localizable.
Public classGraphicsHint
Apply a requested smoothing mode to a graphics instance.
Public classGraphicsTextHint
Apply a requested text rendering hint to a graphics instance.
Public classHeaderGroupValuesPrimary
Storage for the primary header of the header group control.
Public classHeaderGroupValuesSecondary
Storage for the secondary header of the header group control.
Public classHeaderValues
Storage for standard header storage.
Public classHeaderValuesBase
Storage for header content value information.
Public classImageSelectEventArgs
Image select event data.
Public classKryptonBorderEdge
Display text and images with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit
Public classKryptonBreadCrumb
Provides a flat navigation of hierarchical data.
Public classKryptonBreadCrumbBreadCrumbButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonBreadCrumbItem
Krypton object used to represent nodes in a hierarchical bread crumb data structure.
Public classKryptonBreadCrumbItemBreadCrumbItems
Manages a collection of KryptonBreadCrumbItems
Public classKryptonButton
Combines button functionality with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit.
Public classKryptonCheckBox
Display check box with text and images with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit
Public classKryptonCheckButton
Presents the user with a binary choice such as Yes/No or True/False.
Public classKryptonCheckedListBox
Provide a CheckedListBox with Krypton styling applied.
Public classKryptonCheckedListBoxCheckedIndexCollection
Encapsulates the collection of indexes of checked items (including items in an indeterminate state) in a CheckedListBox.
Public classKryptonCheckedListBoxCheckedItemCollection
Encapsulates the collection of checked items, including items in an indeterminate state, in a KryptonCheckedListBox control.
Public classKryptonCheckedListBoxObjectCollection
Represents the collection of items in a CheckedListBox.
Public classKryptonCheckSet
Enforce mutual exclusive for a group of KryptonCheckButton controls.
Public classKryptonCheckSetKryptonCheckButtonCollection
Manages a collection of KryptonCheckButton references.
Public classKryptonColorButton
Combines color button functionality with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit.
Public classKryptonColorTable
Extend the ProfessionalColorTable with some Krypton specific properties.
Public classKryptonColorTable2016
Provide KryptonColorTable2016 values using an array of Color values as the source.
Public classKryptonComboBox
Provide a ComboBox with Krypton styling applied.
Public classKryptonComboBoxComboBoxButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonCommand
Defines state and events for a single command.
Public classKryptonCommandCollection
Manages a collection of KryptonCommand instances.
Public classKryptonContextMenu
Represents a shortcut menu with Krypton palette styling.
Public classKryptonContextMenuCheckBox
Provide a context menu check box.
Public classKryptonContextMenuCheckButton
Provide a context menu check button.
Public classKryptonContextMenuCollection
Manage the items that can be added to a top level context menu collection.
Public classKryptonContextMenuColorColumns
Provide a set of color columns for the context menu.
Public classKryptonContextMenuHeading
Provide a context menu heading.
Public classKryptonContextMenuImageSelect
Provide a context menu image select.
Public classKryptonContextMenuItem
Provide a standard menu item.
Public classKryptonContextMenuItemBase
Base class that all menu types must derive from and implement.
Public classKryptonContextMenuItemCollection
Manage the items that can be added to a standard menu item collection.
Public classKryptonContextMenuItems
Provide a collection of menu items.
Public classKryptonContextMenuLinkLabel
Provide a context menu link label.
Public classKryptonContextMenuRadioButton
Provide a context menu radio button.
Public classKryptonContextMenuSeparator
Provide a context menu separator.
Public classKryptonControlCollection
Base class for krypton specific control collections.
Public classKryptonCursors
Public classKryptonDarkThemeUtility
Public classKryptonDefaultColorAttribute
Create a default value attribute for color property.
Public classKryptonDomainUpDown
Provide a DomainUpDown with Krypton styling applied.
Public classKryptonDomainUpDownDomainUpDownButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonDropButton
Combines drop down button functionality with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit.
Public classKryptonForm
Draws the window chrome using a Krypton palette.
Public classKryptonFormFormButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonFormFormFixedButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing NavigatorButtonSpec instances.
Public classKryptonGroup
Group related controls together with Krypton Toolkit styling.
Public classKryptonGroupBox
Display frame around a group of related controls with an optional caption.
Public classKryptonGroupPanel
Special panel used in the KryptonGroup and KryptonHeaderGroup controls.
Public classKryptonHeader
Provides a description for a section of your form.
Public classKryptonHeaderHeaderButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonHeaderGroup
Combines the benefits of the KryptonHeader and the KryptonGroup into one.
Public classKryptonHeaderGroupHeaderGroupButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing HeaderGroupButtonSpec instances.
Public classKryptonInputBox
Displays an input box for the user.
Public classKryptonLabel
Display text and images with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit
Public classKryptonLinkLabel
Display text and images with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit
Public classKryptonListBox
Provide a ListBox with Krypton styling applied.
Public classKryptonListItem
Krypton object used inside list controls for providing content values.
Public classKryptonManager
Exposes global settings that affect all the Krypton controls.
Public classKryptonMaskedTextBox
Provide a MaskedTextBox with Krypton styling applied.
Public classKryptonMaskedTextBoxMaskedTextBoxButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonMessageBox
Displays a message box that can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.
Public classKryptonNumericUpDown
Provide a NumericUpDown with Krypton styling applied.
Public classKryptonNumericUpDownNumericUpDownButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonPalette
Define and modify a palette for styling Krypton controls.
Public classKryptonPaletteButtonSpecBase
Base class for defining button specifications.
Public classKryptonPaletteButtonSpecs
Overrides for defining button specifications.
Public classKryptonPaletteButtonSpecTyped
Overrides for defining typed button specifications.
Public classKryptonPaletteCalendarDay
Storage of palette calendar day states.
Public classKryptonPaletteCargo
Storage of user supplied values not used by Krypton.
Public classKryptonPaletteCheckButton
Storage of palette check button states.
Public classKryptonPaletteCheckButtons
Storage for check button palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteCommon
Storage for common palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteContextMenu
Settings associated with context menus.
Public classKryptonPaletteControl
Storage for palette control states.
Public classKryptonPaletteControls
Storage for control palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteDouble3
Base storage class for palette double (background/border) that expose three states.
Public classKryptonPaletteForm
Storage for palette form states.
Public classKryptonPaletteForms
Storage for form palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteHeader
Storage for palette header states.
Public classKryptonPaletteHeaderGroup
Storage for palette header group states.
Public classKryptonPaletteHeaderGroupState
Storage for header group values for a specific state.
Public classKryptonPaletteHeaders
Storage for header palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteImages
Storage for palette image settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteImagesCheckBox
Storage for palette check box images.
Public classKryptonPaletteImagesContextMenu
Storage for palette context menu images.
Public classKryptonPaletteImagesDropDownButton
Storage for palette drop down button images.
Public classKryptonPaletteImagesGalleryButton
Storage for gallery button state specific images.
Public classKryptonPaletteImagesGalleryButtons
Storage for gallery button images.
Public classKryptonPaletteImagesRadioButton
Storage for palette radio button images.
Public classKryptonPaletteImagesTreeView
Storage for palette tree view images.
Public classKryptonPaletteInputControl
Storage for palette input control states.
Public classKryptonPaletteInputControls
Storage for input control palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteLabel
Storage for palette label states.
Public classKryptonPaletteLabels
Storage for label palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteNavigator
Storage for palette navigator states.
Public classKryptonPaletteNavigatorState
Storage for an individual navigator states.
Public classKryptonPaletteNavigatorStateBar
Storage for bar values for a navigator state.
Public classKryptonPalettePanel
Storage for palette panel states.
Public classKryptonPalettePanels
Storage for panel palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbon
Settings associated with ribbon control.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonAppButton
Storage for palette ribbon scroller states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupArea
Storage for palette ribbon group area states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupBaseText
Storage for palette ribbon group text states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupButtonText
Storage for palette ribbon group button text states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupCheckBoxText
Storage for palette ribbon group button text states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupCollapsedBack
Storage for palette ribbon group collapsed background states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupCollapsedBorder
Storage for palette ribbon group collapsed border states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupCollapsedFrameBack
Storage for palette ribbon group collapsed frame background states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupCollapsedFrameBorder
Storage for palette ribbon group collapsed frame border states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupCollapsedText
Storage for palette ribbon group collapsed text states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupLabelText
Storage for palette ribbon group label text states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupNormalBorder
Storage for palette ribbon group normal border states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupNormalTitle
Storage for palette ribbon group normal title states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonGroupRadioButtonText
Storage for palette ribbon group radio button text states.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonQATMinibar
Storage for palette ribbon quick access bar mini version.
Public classKryptonPaletteRibbonTab
Storage for palette ribbon tab states.
Public classKryptonPaletteSeparator
Storage for palette separator states.
Public classKryptonPaletteSeparators
Storage for separator palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteTabButton
Storage of palette tab button states.
Public classKryptonPaletteTabButtons
Storage for tab button palette settings.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMS
Colors associated with menus and tool strip.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSBase
Base class for the palette TMS storage classes to derive from.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSButton
Storage for button entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSGrip
Storage for grip entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSMenu
Storage for menu entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSMenuStrip
Storage for menu strip entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSRafting
Storage for rafting entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSSeparator
Storage for separator entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSStatusStrip
Storage for status strip entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTMSToolStrip
Storage for tool strip entries of the professional color table.
Public classKryptonPaletteTrackBar
Storage for palette track bar states.
Public classKryptonPanel
Provides an identifiable area for containing other controls.
Public classKryptonPersistAttribute
Attribute that marks properties for persistence inside the Krypton palette.
Public classKryptonRadioButton
Display radio button with text and images with the styling features of the Krypton Toolkit
Public classKryptonReadOnlyControls
Restrict a controls collection of child controls.
Public classKryptonSeparator
Display a separator with generated events to operation.
Public classKryptonSplitContainer
Control the sizing of two panels.
Public classKryptonSplitterPanel
Special panel used in the KryptonSplitContainer.
Public classKryptonTaskDialog
Represents a task dialog for presenting different options to the user.
Public classKryptonTaskDialogCommand
Defines state and events for a single task dialog command.
Public classKryptonTaskDialogCommandCollection
Manages a collection of KryptonTaskDialogCommand instances.
Public classKryptonTextBox
Provide a TextBox with Krypton styling applied.
Public classKryptonTextBoxTextBoxButtonSpecCollection
Collection for managing ButtonSpecAny instances.
Public classKryptonToolkitSettings
Public classKryptonTrackBar
Allow user to scroll between a range of values.
Public classKryptonWinFormsUtility
Public classKryptonWrapLabel
Display a windows forms label but with Krypton palette text and font settings.
Public classLabelValues
Storage for label content value information.
Public classLinkLabelController
Process mouse events for a link label control.
Public classMementoBackDarkEdge
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackExpertChecked
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackExpertShadow
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackExpertSquareHighlight
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackGlassBasic
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackGlassCenter
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackGlassFade
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackGlassLinear
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackGlassRadial
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackGlassThreeEdge
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackLinear
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackLinearRadial
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoBackSolid
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoDisposable
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoDouble
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRectFiveColor
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRectFourColor
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRectOneColor
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRectThreeColor
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRectTwoColor
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonAppButton
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonAppButtonInner
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonAppButtonOuter
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonAppTab
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonAppTab2016
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupAreaBorder
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupAreaBorder2016
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupAreaBorder3
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupAreaBorderContext
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupCollapsedBorder
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupCollapsedFrameBorder
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupGradientOne
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupGradientTwo
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupNormalBorder
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupNormalBorderSep
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonGroupNormalTitle
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonLinear
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonLinearBorder
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonQATFullbarRound
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonQATFullbarSquare
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonQATFullbarSquare2016
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonQATMinibar
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonQATOverflow
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabContext
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabContextOffice
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabContextOffice2010
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabContextSelected
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabGlowing
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabHighlight
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabSelected2007
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabSelected2010
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabTracking2007
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoRibbonTabTracking2010
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classMementoTriple
Memento used to cache drawing details.
Public classModalWaitDialog
Show a wait dialog during long operations.
Public classNeedLayoutEventArgs
Details for need layout events.
Public classNullContentValues
Implements the IContentValues interface by providing null information.
Public classPaletteBack
Implement storage for palette background details.
Public classPaletteBackColor1
Implement storage for palette background details.
Public classPaletteBackInherit
Provide inheritance of palette background properties.
Public classPaletteBackInheritForced
Allow the background values to be forced to fixed values.
Public classPaletteBackInheritNode
Allow the background values to be forced to node provided values.
Public classPaletteBackInheritOverride
Inherit properties from primary source in preference to the backup source.
Public classPaletteBackInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette background properties from source redirector.
Public classPaletteBackLightenColors
Override the colors to provide lighter versions.
Public classPaletteBackToPalette
Redirect all background requests directly to the palette instance.
Public classPaletteBase
Provides base class implementation for palettes.
Public classPaletteBorder
Implement storage for palette border details.
Public classPaletteBorderEdge
Implement storage for palette border edge details.
Public classPaletteBorderEdgeRedirect
Implement storage for palette border edge details.
Public classPaletteBorderInherit
Provide inheritance of palette border properties.
Public classPaletteBorderInheritForced
Allow the background values to be forced to fixed values.
Public classPaletteBorderInheritOverride
Inherit properties from primary source in preference to the backup source.
Public classPaletteBorderInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette border properties from source redirector.
Public classPaletteBorderToPalette
Redirect all border requests directly to the palette instance.
Public classPaletteBreadCrumbDoubleState
Implement storage for bread crumb appearance states.
Public classPaletteBreadCrumbRedirect
Implement redirected storage for common bread crumb appearance.
Public classPaletteBreadCrumbState
Implement storage for bread crumb appearance states.
Public classPaletteColorButtonStrings
Storage for color button string properties.
Public classPaletteComboBoxJustComboStates
Implement storage for just the combo part of a combo box state.
Public classPaletteComboBoxJustItemStates
Implement storage for just the item part of a combo box state.
Public classPaletteComboBoxRedirect
Implement storage for a combo box state.
Public classPaletteComboBoxStates
Implement storage for just the combo part of a combo box state.
Public classPaletteContent
Implement storage for palette content details.
Public classPaletteContentImage
Implement storage for palette content image details.
Public classPaletteContentInherit
Provide inheritance of palette content properties.
Public classPaletteContentInheritForced
Allow the content values to be forced to fixed values.
Public classPaletteContentInheritOverride
Inherit properties from primary source in preference to the backup source.
Public classPaletteContentInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette content properties from source redirector.
Public classPaletteContentJustImage
Implement storage but remove accesss to the non image properties.
Public classPaletteContentJustShortText
Implement storage but remove accesss to the non short text properties.
Public classPaletteContentJustText
Implement storage but remove accesss to the non text properties.
Public classPaletteContentText
Implement storage for palette content text details.
Public classPaletteContentToPalette
Redirect all content requests directly to the palette instance.
Public classPaletteContextMenuItemState
Storage for KryptonContextMenuItem state values.
Public classPaletteContextMenuItemStateChecked
Storage for KryptonContextMenuItem checked state values.
Public classPaletteContextMenuItemStateHighlight
Storage for KryptonContextMenuItem highlight state values.
Public classPaletteContextMenuItemStateRedirect
Redirection for KryptonContextMenuItem state values.
Public classPaletteContextMenuRedirect
Redirect storage for KryptonContextMenu common values.
Public classPaletteDouble
Implement storage for palette border and background.
Public classPaletteDoubleMetric
Implement a double palette that exposes palette metrics.
Public classPaletteDoubleMetricRedirect
Redirect storage for a double palette with palette metrics.
Public classPaletteDoubleOverride
Allow a palette to be overriden optionally.
Public classPaletteDoubleRedirect
Implement storage for palette border and background.
Public classPaletteDragDrop
Storage for drag and drop values.
Public classPaletteElementColor
Storage for element color values.
Public classPaletteElementColorInherit
Provide inheritance of palette element colors.
Public classPaletteElementColorInheritOverride
Inherit properties from primary source in preference to the backup source.
Public classPaletteElementColorInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette element colors from source redirector.
Public classPaletteElementColorRedirect
Storage for element color values.
Public classPaletteForm
Implement storage for PaletteForm states.
Public classPaletteFormRedirect
Redirect storage for PaletteForm states.
Public classPaletteGroupBox
Implement storage for GroupBox states.
Public classPaletteGroupBoxRedirect
Redirect storage for GroupBox states.
Public classPaletteHeaderButtonRedirect
Redirect storage for button metrics.
Public classPaletteHeaderGroup
Implement storage for HeaderGroup states.
Public classPaletteHeaderGroupRedirect
Redirect storage for HeaderGroup states.
Public classPaletteHeaderPaddingRedirect
Redirect storage for headers within a HeaderGroup state.
Public classPaletteHeaderRedirect
Redirect storage for a header state.
Public classPaletteInputControlBackStates
Implement storage for input control palette background details.
Public classPaletteInputControlContentStates
Implement storage for input control palette content details.
Public classPaletteInputControlTripleRedirect
Implement storage for palette border, background and content for input control common state.
Public classPaletteInputControlTripleStates
Implement storage for palette border, background and content for input control states.
Public classPaletteLayoutEventArgs
Details for palette layout events.
Public classPaletteListItemTriple
Implement storage for a a list item triple.
Public classPaletteListItemTripleRedirect
Implement storage for a a list item triple.
Public classPaletteListState
Implement storage for border,background and contained triple.
Public classPaletteListStateRedirect
Implement storage for list box specific values.
Public classPaletteMetricRedirect
Redirect storage for a palette with metrics.
Public classPaletteMonthCalendarDoubleState
Implement storage for month calendar appearance states.
Public classPaletteMonthCalendarRedirect
Implement redirected storage for common month calendar appearance.
Public classPaletteMonthCalendarState
Implement storage for month calendar appearance states.
Public classPaletteNeoAxisBase
Provides a base for NeoAxis palettes.
Public classPaletteNeoAxisBlack
Provides the White color scheme variant of the NeoAxis palette.
Public classPaletteNeoAxisBlue
Provides the White color scheme variant of the NeoAxis palette.
Public classPaletteRedirect
Redirects requests onto a dynamic instance of a IPalette.
Public classPaletteRedirectBack
Redirect background based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectBorder
Redirect border based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectBorderEdge
Redirect border based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectBreadCrumb
Redirect back/border/content based on the incoming grid state and style.
Public classPaletteRedirectButtonSpec
Redirect button spec requests to provided target.
Public classPaletteRedirectCheckBox
Redirects requests for check box images from the CheckBoxImages instance.
Public classPaletteRedirectCommon
Redirect back/border/content based on the enabled/disabled state.
Public classPaletteRedirectContent
Redirect content based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectContextMenu
Redirects requests for context menu images from the ContextMenuImages instance.
Public classPaletteRedirectDouble
Redirect back/border based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectDoubleMetric
Redirect back/border/metrics based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectDropDownButton
Redirects requests for drop down button images from the DropDownButtonImages instance.
Public classPaletteRedirectMetric
Redirect back/border/metrics based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectRadioButton
Redirects requests for radio button images from the RadioButtonImages instance.
Public classPaletteRedirectRibbonBack
Redirect back/border ribbon values based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectRibbonDouble
Redirect back/border/text ribbon values based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectRibbonGeneral
Redirect general ribbon values based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectTriple
Redirect back/border/content based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRedirectTripleMetric
Redirect back/border/content/metrics based on the incoming state of the request.
Public classPaletteRibbonBack
Storage for ribbon background values.
Public classPaletteRibbonBackInherit
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon background properties.
Public classPaletteRibbonBackInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon background properties from source redirector.
Public classPaletteRibbonBackRedirect
Storage for ribbon background values.
Public classPaletteRibbonDouble
Storage for ribbon background and text values.
Public classPaletteRibbonDoubleInherit
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon background and text properties.
Public classPaletteRibbonDoubleInheritOverride
Inherit properties from primary source in preference to the backup source.
Public classPaletteRibbonDoubleInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon background and text properties from source redirector.
Public classPaletteRibbonDoubleRedirect
Storage for ribbon background and text values.
Public classPaletteRibbonGeneral
Storage for general ribbon values.
Public classPaletteRibbonGeneralInherit
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon general properties.
Public classPaletteRibbonGeneralInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon general properties from source redirector.
Public classPaletteRibbonText
Storage for ribbon text values.
Public classPaletteRibbonTextInherit
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon text properties.
Public classPaletteRibbonTextInheritRedirect
Provide inheritance of palette ribbon text properties from source redirector.
Public classPaletteSeparatorPadding
Implement storage for palette border,background and separator padding.
Public classPaletteSeparatorPaddingRedirect
Implement storage for palette border,background and separator padding.
Public classPaletteSplitContainer
Extend storage for the split container with background and border information combined with separator information.
Public classPaletteSplitContainerRedirect
Extend storage for the split container with background and border information combined with separator information.
Public classPaletteTabBorder
Implement storage for palette tab border details.
Public classPaletteTabTriple
Implement storage for tab specific palette border, background and content.
Public classPaletteTabTripleRedirect
Implement storage for tab specific palette border, background and content.
Public classPaletteTrackBarPositionStates
Implement storage for a track bar position only states.
Public classPaletteTrackBarPositionStatesOverride
Implement storage for a track bar position only states.
Public classPaletteTrackBarRedirect
Implement storage for a track bar state.
Public classPaletteTrackBarStates
Implement storage for a track bar state.
Public classPaletteTrackBarStatesOverride
Allow the palette to be overriden optionally.
Public classPaletteTriple
Implement storage for palette border, background and content.
Public classPaletteTripleJustImage
Implement storage for palette border, background and content.
Public classPaletteTripleJustImageRedirect
Implement storage for palette border, background and image only content.
Public classPaletteTripleMetric
Implement a triple palette that exposes palette metrics.
Public classPaletteTripleMetricRedirect
Redirect storage for a triple palette with palette metrics.
Public classPaletteTripleOverride
Allow the palette to be overriden optionally.
Public classPaletteTripleRedirect
Implement storage for palette border, background and content.
Public classPaletteTripleToPalette
Redirect all triple requests directly to the redirector with a fixed state.
Public classPaletteWrapLabel
Provide wrap label state storage.
Public classPI
Public classPIPOINTC
Public classPointEventArgs
Details for an event that provides a Point value.
Public classPointEventCancelArgs
Details for an cancellable event that provides a Point value.
Public classRadioButtonImages
Storage for radio button images.
Public classRenderBase
Provides base class for rendering implementations.
Public classRenderContext
Encapsulates context for view render operations.
Public classRenderDragDockingData
Aggregates information needed for rendering drag and drop indicators.
Public classRenderNeoAxis
Extends the professional renderer to provide Office2010 style additions.
Public classRenderOffice2010
Extends the professional renderer to provide Office2010 style additions.
Public classRenderProfessional
Extends the standard renderer to provide Professional style additions.
Public classRenderStandard
Provides the standard renderer that honors all palette properties.
Public classScreenObscurer
Used to obscrure an area of the screen to hide form changes underneath.
Public classSeparatorController
Process mouse events for a separator style element.
Public classSeparatorControllerSeparatorIndicator
Public classShadowImageCache
Public classShadowImageCacheManager
Public classSplitterMoveRectMenuArgs
Provides a movement rectangle that will be used to limit separator movement.
Public classStorage
Base class for storage implementations.
Public classStringLookupConverter
Helper base class used to convert from to/from a table of value,string pairs.
Public classSystemFontsOverride
Public classToolTipController
Snoop incoming mouse messages for an element and inform tooltip manager about them.
Public classToolTipEventArgs
Details for a tooltip related event.
Public classToolTipManager
Manages when tooltips are displayed in response to provided messages.
Public classTrackBarController
Process mouse/keyboard/focus events for a track bar.
Public classTrackPositionController
Process mouse events a track bar position indicator.
Public classTypedCollectionT
Manage a collection of specified reference instances.
Public classTypedCollectionEventArgsT
Details for typed collection related events.
Public classTypedRestrictCollectionT
Manage a collection of references that must be one of a restricted set of types.
Public classUserSystemPreferencesService
Public classViewBase
Base class from which all view types derive.
Public classViewComposite
Extends the base class by managing a collection of child views.
Public classViewContext
Encapsulates common context for view layout and render operations.
Public classViewContextMenuManager
ViewMananger for context menu handling.
Public classViewControl
Control that is contained inside an element to act as clipping of real controls.
Public classViewControlHitTestArgs
Details for context menu related events.
Public classViewDecorator
Base class from which all decorator views inherit.
Public classViewDecoratorFixedSize
Override the contained child to present a fixed size.
Public classViewDrawBorderEdge
View element that can draw a border edge by applying a size to a panel.
Public classViewDrawButton
View element that can draw a button.
Public classViewDrawCanvas
View element that applies padding to the drawing of a border and background.
Public classViewDrawCheckBox
Draws a check box using the provided renderer.
Public classViewDrawContent
View element that can draw a content
Public classViewDrawDebug
View element that has a preferred size and then draws a solid color, used for debugging.
Public classViewDrawDocker
Extends the ViewDrawCanvas by applying a docking style for each child.
Public classViewDrawDropDownButton
Draws a drop down button using the provided renderer.
Public classViewDrawEmptyContent
View element that draws empty content.
Public classViewDrawForm
Extends the ViewDrawDocker by adding status strip merging into the border.
Public classViewDrawGroupBoxDocker
Extends the ViewDrawDocker for use in the KryptonGroupBox.
Public classViewDrawMenuColorBlock
Draw a solid color block inside a context menu color column.
Public classViewDrawMenuColorColumn
Positions the child within a border that is drawn as the column background color.
Public classViewDrawMenuColorColumns
Draw element for a context menu color columns.
Public classViewDrawMenuSeparator
Draw element for a context menu separator.
Public classViewDrawMonthUpDown
View element that can draw a month calendar button.
Public classViewDrawNull
Draw a red rectangle in the location of the null element.
Public classViewDrawPanel
View element that can draw a panel (background but no border)
Public classViewDrawRadioButton
Draws a radio button using the provided renderer.
Public classViewDrawScrollBar
View element that draws a scrollbar.
Public classViewDrawSeparator
View element that can draw a separator
Public classViewDrawSplitCanvas
View element that applies padding to the drawing of a border and background.
Public classViewDrawToday
Draw todays date as a button.
Public classViewDrawTP
Draw the track for the track bar.
Public classViewDrawTrackBar
Draw and operate a track bar.
Public classViewDrawTrackPosition
Draw the track for the track bar.
Public classViewDrawTrackTicks
Draw the tick marks for the track bar.
Public classViewDrawTrackTrack
Draw the track for the track bar.
Public classViewLayoutCenter
View element that draws nothing and will center all children within itself.
Public classViewLayoutContext
Encapsulates context for view layout operations.
Public classViewLayoutControl
View element that contains a control that has a view hierarchy of its own.
Public classViewLayoutCrumbs
Creates and layout individual crumbs.
Public classViewLayoutDocker
Extends the ViewComposite by applying a docking style for each child.
Public classViewLayoutFill
View element that is used to fill a docker area and positions a control to the same size.
Public classViewLayoutFit
View element that draws nothing and will split the space equally between the children.
Public classViewLayoutMenuItemsPile
Extends the ViewLayoutPile so that menu items are layed out in columns.
Public classViewLayoutMenuSepGap
Positions a separator to take up space without drawing.
Public classViewLayoutMetricSpacer
View element that draws nothing and just takes up the metric provided size.
Public classViewLayoutNull
View element that draws nothing and just takes up the provided size.
Public classViewLayoutPadding
View element that draws nothing and will use a padding around the children.
Public classViewLayoutPile
Extends the ViewComposite by laying out children to all fill the total area.
Public classViewLayoutScrollViewport
View element that provides scrollbars around a viewport filler.
Public classViewLayoutSeparator
Positions a separator to take up space without drawing.
Public classViewLayoutStack
Extends the ViewComposite by laying out children in horizontal/vertical stack.
Public classViewLayoutStretch
View element that draws nothing and will stretch children to fill one dimension.
Public classViewLayoutViewport
View element that allows scrolling around a contained view element.
Public classViewLeaf
Extends the base class by implementing an end node view.
Public classViewManager
Manages a view presentation for a control display surface.
Public classVisualContainerControl
Extend the visual container control base class with the ISupportInitializeNotification interface.
Public classVisualContainerControlBase
Base class used for implementation of actual container controls.
Public classVisualContextMenu
Base class for drawing a krypton context menu as a popup control.
Public classVisualContextMenuDTP
Specialized version of the visual context menu that knows about the KryptonDateTimePicker drop down button.
Public classVisualControl
Extend the visual control base class with the ISupportInitializeNotification interface.
Public classVisualControlBase
Base class used for implementation of actual controls.
Public classVisualControlContainment
Base class used for implementation of container controls using a Control as the base.
Public classVisualForm
Base class that allows a form to have custom chrome applied. You should derive a class from this that performs the specific chrome drawing that is required.
Public classVisualPanel
Base class used for implementation of panel controls.
Public classVisualPopup
Base class used for implementation of popup controls.
Public classVisualPopupManager
Manage the filtering of message for popup controls.
Public classVisualPopupShadow
Displays a shadow effect for a visual popup.
Public classVisualPopupSimpleShadow
Displays a shadow effect for a visual popup.
Public classVisualPopupToolTip
Visual display of tooltip information.
Public classVisualSimple
Base class used for implementation of simple controls.
Public classVisualSimpleBase
Extends the control base with some common changes relevant to krypton simple controls.
Public classVisualTaskDialog
Displays a task dialog that allows the user to select a task based on the presented options.
Public classVisualTaskDialogMessageButton
Internal button used by the VisualTaskDialog
Public interfaceControlDoubleBufferCompositedIDoubleBufferComposited
Public interfaceIButtonSpecValues
Exposes access to button specification values.
Public interfaceIContainedInputControl
Interface allowing access to the contained input control.
Public interfaceIContentValues
Exposes access to content values.
Public interfaceIContextMenuItemColumn
Interface used to control width of a context menu item column.
Public interfaceIContextMenuProvider
Interface exposed by a context menu provider.
Public interfaceIContextMenuTarget
Interface used to control width of a context menu item column.
Public interfaceIKeyController
Interface for processing keyboard notifications.
Public interfaceIKryptonCommand
Interface exposes access to a command definition.
Public interfaceIKryptonComposition
Exposes interface for visual form to cooperate with a view for composition.
Public interfaceIKryptonDebug
Exposes access to the debugging helpers for krypton controls.
Public interfaceIKryptonDesignerSelect
Exposes design time selection of parent control.
Public interfaceIKryptonDesignObject
Exposes interface for visual form to cooperate with a view for composition.
Public interfaceIKryptonMonthCalendar
Provides month calendar information.
Public interfaceIMouseController
Interface for processing mouse notifications.
Public interfaceIPalette
Exposes a palette for drawing.
Public interfaceIPaletteBack
Exposes a palette source for drawing a background.
Public interfaceIPaletteBorder
Exposes a palette source for drawing a border.
Public interfaceIPaletteButtonSpec
Exposes a palette source button specifications.
Public interfaceIPaletteContent
Exposes a palette source for drawing content.
Public interfaceIPaletteDouble
Access to the double of back and border palettes.
Public interfaceIPaletteDragDrop
Access to drag the drop settings.
Public interfaceIPaletteElementColor
Exposes a palette source for element colors.
Public interfaceIPaletteMetric
Exposes a palette source for acquiring metrics.
Public interfaceIPaletteRibbonBack
Exposes a palette source for ribbon background specifications.
Public interfaceIPaletteRibbonGeneral
Exposes a palette source for general ribbon specifications.
Public interfaceIPaletteRibbonText
Exposes a palette source for ribbon text specifications.
Public interfaceIPaletteSeparator
Access to the back and border palettes plus metrics.
Public interfaceIPaletteTriple
Access to the triple of back, border and content palettes.
Public interfaceIRenderBack
Exposes methods for drawing backgrounds.
Public interfaceIRenderBorder
Exposes methods for drawing borders.
Public interfaceIRenderContent
Exposes methods for drawing content.
Public interfaceIRenderer
Exposes access to specialized renderers.
Public interfaceIRenderGlyph
Exposes methods for drawing glyph elements.
Public interfaceIRenderRibbon
Exposes methods for drawing ribbon elements.
Public interfaceIRenderTabBorder
Exposes methods for drawing tab borders.
Public interfaceISeparatorSource
Describes the interface exposed by a separator source.
Public interfaceISourceController
Interface for processing source notifications.
Public interfaceIVisualPopupShadow
Public delegateGetBoolMetric
Signature of methods that return a bool metric.
Public delegateGetIntMetric
Signature of methods that return an integer metric.
Public delegateGetPaddingMetric
Signature of methods that return a padding metric.
Public delegateGetToolStripRenderer
Signature of a method that returns a ToolStripRenderer instance.
Public delegateNeedPaintHandler
Signature of method that is called when painting needs to occur.
Public delegateOperation
Signature of a method that performs an operation.
Public delegatePointHandler
Signature of method that provides a point as the data.
Public delegateSimpleCall
Signature of a bare method.
Public delegateTypedHandlerT
Delegate used for hooking into TypedCollection events.
Public enumerationButtonCheckState
Specifies the checked state of a button.
Public enumerationButtonEnabled
Specifies the enabled state of a button specification.
Public enumerationButtonOrientation
Specifies the orientation of a button specification.
Public enumerationButtonStyle
Specifies the button style.
Public enumerationCheckedSelectionMode
Specifies selection mode of the KryptonCheckedListBox.
Public enumerationColorScheme
Specifies a color scheme.
Public enumerationDataGridViewStyle
Specifies the data grid view style.
Public enumerationGridRowGlyph
Specifies the grid row glyph.
Public enumerationGridStyle
Specifies the grid style.
Public enumerationHeaderGroupCollapsedTarget
Specifies the target collapsed state of a header group when in the collapsed mode.
Public enumerationHeaderLocation
Specifies a target header.
Public enumerationHeaderStyle
Specifies the header style.
Public enumerationInheritBool
Specifies a boolean that can inherit its value.
Public enumerationInputControlStyle
Specifies the input control style.
Public enumerationKryptonContextMenuPositionH
Specifies the relative horizontal position for showing a KryptonContextMenu.
Public enumerationKryptonContextMenuPositionV
Specifies the relative vertical position for showing a KryptonContextMenu.
Public enumerationKryptonLinkBehavior
Specifies the logic for underlining the link label short text.
Public enumerationLabelStyle
Specifies the label style.
Public enumerationPaletteBackStyle
Specifies the style of background.
Public enumerationPaletteBorderStyle
Specifies the style of border.
Public enumerationPaletteButtonEnabled
Specifies the enabled state of a button specification.
Public enumerationPaletteButtonOrientation
Specifies the orientation of a button specification.
Public enumerationPaletteButtonSpecStyle
Specifies the style of button spec.
Public enumerationPaletteButtonStyle
Specifies the button style.
Public enumerationPaletteColorStyle
Specifies the color drawing style.
Public enumerationPaletteContentStyle
Specifies the style of content.
Public enumerationPaletteDragFeedback
Specifies how drag feedback is presented.
Public enumerationPaletteDrawBorders
Specifies the an image is aligned.
Public enumerationPaletteElement
Specifies a palette element.
Public enumerationPaletteGraphicsHint
Specifies a graphics rendering hint.
Public enumerationPaletteImageEffect
Specifies how an image is drawn.
Public enumerationPaletteImageStyle
Specifies the an image is aligned.
Public enumerationPaletteMetricBool
Specifies a bool type metric.
Public enumerationPaletteMetricInt
Specifies a integer type metric.
Public enumerationPaletteMetricPadding
Specifies a padding type metric.
Public enumerationPaletteMode
Specifies the palette applied when drawing.
Public enumerationPaletteModeManager
Specifies the palette requested at the global level.
Protected enumerationPaletteNeoAxisBaseButtonBackColors
Protected enumerationPaletteNeoAxisBaseButtonBorderColors
Public enumerationPaletteRectangleAlign
Specifies how a display rectangle aligns.
Public enumerationPaletteRelativeAlign
Specifies a relative alignment position.
Public enumerationPaletteRelativeEdgeAlign
Specifies a relative button alignment position.
Public enumerationPaletteRibbonBackStyle
Specifies the style of ribbon background.
Public enumerationPaletteRibbonColorStyle
Specifies the color drawing style for ribbon elements.
Public enumerationPaletteRibbonGalleryButton
Specifies a ribbon gallery button.
Public enumerationPaletteRibbonShape
Specifies a ribbon shape.
Public enumerationPaletteRibbonTextStyle
Specifies the style of ribbon text.
Public enumerationPaletteState
Specifies the state of the element.
Public enumerationPaletteTextHint
Specifies a text rendering hint.
Public enumerationPaletteTextHotkeyPrefix
Specifies how to show hotkey prefix characters.
Public enumerationPaletteTextTrim
Specifies how to trim text.
Public enumerationPaletteTrackBarSize
Specifies the track bar size.
Public enumerationRelativeEdgeAlign
Specifies a relative edge alignment position.
Public enumerationRelativePositionAlign
Specifies a relative alignment position.
Public enumerationRendererMode
Specifies the renderer to use when painting.
Public enumerationSeparatorStyle
Specifies the separator style.
Public enumerationTabBorderStyle
Specifies the style of tab border to draw.
Public enumerationTabStyle
Specifies the tab style.
Public enumerationTaskDialogButtons
Specifies task dialog buttons.
Public enumerationViewDockStyle
Specifies the docking styles for the docking view elements.
Public enumerationViewDrawMonthUpDownDrawMonthCalendarGlyph
Specific the possible glyphs the button can draw.
Public enumerationVisualOrientation
Specifies the orientation of a visual element.