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PaletteRibbonColorStyle Enumeration

Specifies the color drawing style for ribbon elements.

Namespace:  Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core.Editor (in NeoAxis.Core.Editor.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public enum PaletteRibbonColorStyle
  Member nameValueDescription
Inherit0 Specifies color style should be inherited.
Empty1 Specifies that no drawing take place.
Solid2 Specifies solid drawing using the first color.
Linear3 Specifies linear gradient from first to second color.
LinearBorder4 Specifies linear gradient border from first to second color.
RibbonAppMenuInner5 Specifies using colors to draw a application menu inner area.
RibbonAppMenuOuter6 Specifies using colors to draw a application menu inner area.
RibbonTabTracking20077 Specifies using colors to draw a tracking ribbon tab appropriate for Office 2007.
RibbonTabFocus20108 Specifies using colors to draw a focused ribbon tab appropriate for Office 2010.
RibbonTabTracking20109 Specifies using colors to draw a tracking ribbon tab appropriate for Office 2010.
RibbonTabTracking2010Alt10 Specifies alternate drawing of the RibbonTabTracking2010 enumeration.
RibbonTabGlowing11 Specifies using colors to draw a glowing ribbon tab.
RibbonTabSelected200712 Specifies using colors to draw a selected ribbon tab appropriate for Office 2007.
RibbonTabSelected201013 Specifies using colors to draw a selected ribbon tab appropriate for Office 2010.
RibbonTabSelected2010Alt14 Specifies alternate drawing of the RibbonTabSelected2010 enumeration.
RibbonTabHighlight15 Specifies using colors to draw a selected and tracking ribbon tab.
RibbonTabHighlight216 Specifies using colors for an alternative way of drawing a selected and tracking ribbon tab.
RibbonTabContextSelected17 Specifies using colors to draw a context selected ribbon tab for Office 2007.
RibbonGroupAreaBorder18 Specifies using colors to draw a groups area border.
RibbonGroupAreaBorder219 Specifies using colors to draw a groups area border, variantion 2.
RibbonGroupAreaBorder320 Specifies using colors to draw a groups area border, variantion 3.
RibbonGroupAreaBorder421 Specifies using colors to draw a groups area border, variantion 4.
RibbonGroupAreaBorder201622 Specifies using colors to draw a groups area border, variantion 2016.
RibbonGroupAreaBorderContext23 Specifies using colors to draw a groups area border for a context selected tab.
RibbonGroupNormalBorder24 Specifies using colors to draw a group normal border.
RibbonGroupNormalBorderSep25 Specifies using colors to draw a group normal border as a vertical separator.
RibbonGroupNormalBorderSepPressedLight26 Specifies using colors to draw a group pressed border as a vertical separator, variantion based on light background.
RibbonGroupNormalBorderSepPressedDark27 Specifies using colors to draw a group pressed border as a vertical separator, variantion based on dark background.
RibbonGroupNormalBorderSepTrackingLight28 Specifies using colors to draw a group tracking border as a vertical separator, variantion based on light background.
RibbonGroupNormalBorderSepTrackingDark29 Specifies using colors to draw a group tracking border as a vertical separator, variantion based on dark background.
RibbonGroupNormalBorderTracking30 Specifies using colors to draw a tracking group normal border.
RibbonGroupNormalBorderTrackingLight31 Specifies using colors to draw a tracking group normal border with light inside edge.
RibbonGroupNormalTitle32 Specifies using colors to draw a group normal title.
RibbonGroupCollapsedBorder33 Specifies using colors to draw a group collapsed border.
RibbonGroupCollapsedFrameBorder34 Specifies using colors to draw a group collapsed frame border.
RibbonGroupCollapsedFrameBack35 Specifies using colors to draw a group collapsed frame back.
RibbonGroupGradientOne36 Specifies using colors to draw a one tone gradient in the groups area.
RibbonGroupGradientTwo37 Specifies using colors to draw a two tone gradient in the groups area.
RibbonQATMinibarSingle38 Specifies using colors to draw a rounded quick access toolbar mini area with single rounded end.
RibbonQATMinibarDouble39 Specifies using colors to draw a rounded quick access toolbar mini area with double rounded end.
RibbonQATFullbarRound40 Specifies using colors to draw a rounded quick access toolbar full area.
RibbonQATFullbarSquare41 Specifies using colors to draw a square quick access toolbar full area.
RibbonQATOverflow42 Specifies using colors to draw a rounded quick access toolbar overflow.
See Also