Click or drag to resize

PaletteNeoAxisBlue Methods

The PaletteNeoAxisBlue type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateObjRef
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodDefineFonts
Update the fonts to reflect system or user defined changes.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetAllowFormChrome
Gets a value indicating if KryptonForm instances should show custom chrome.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetAllowOnePixelBorder
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackColor1
Gets the first background color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackColor2
Gets the second back color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackColorAlign
Gets the color alignment.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackColorAngle
Gets the color background angle.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackColorStyle
Gets the color background drawing style.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackDraw
Gets a value indicating if background should be drawn.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackGraphicsHint
Gets the graphics drawing hint for the background.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackImage
Gets a background image.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackImageAlign
Gets the image alignment.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBackImageStyle
Gets the background image style.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderColor1
Gets the first border color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderColor2
Gets the second border color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderColorAlign
Gets the color border alignment.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderColorAngle
Gets the color border angle.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderColorStyle
Gets the color border drawing style.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderDraw
Gets a value indicating if border should be drawn.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderDrawBorders
Gets a value indicating which borders to draw.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderGraphicsHint
Gets the graphics drawing hint for the border.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderImage
Gets a border image.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderImageAlign
Gets the image border alignment.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderImageStyle
Gets the border image style.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderRounding
Gets the border corner rounding.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetBorderWidth
Gets the border width.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecColorMap
Gets the color to remap from the image to the container foreground.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecColorTransparent
Gets the color to remap to transparent.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecEdge
Gets the edge to positon the button against.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecIcon
Gets the icon to display for the button.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecImage
Gets the image to display for the button.
(Overrides PaletteNeoAxisBaseGetButtonSpecImage(PaletteButtonSpecStyle, PaletteState).)
Public methodGetButtonSpecImageTransparentColor
Gets the image transparent color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecLocation
Get the location for the button.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecLongText
Gets the long text to display for the button.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecOrientation
Gets the button orientation.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecShortText
Gets the short text to display for the button.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecStyle
Gets the button style used for drawing the button.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetButtonSpecToolTipTitle
Gets the tooltip title text to display for the button.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetCheckBoxImage
Gets a check box image appropriate for the provided state.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentAdjacentGap
Gets the padding between adjacent content items.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentDraw
Gets a value indicating if content should be drawn.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentDrawFocus
Gets a value indicating if content should be drawn with focus indication.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentImageColorMap
Gets the image color to remap into another color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentImageColorTo
Gets the color to use in place of the image map color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentImageColorTransparent
Gets the image color that should be transparent.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentImageEffect
Gets the effect applied to drawing of the image.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentImageH
Gets the horizontal relative alignment of the image.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentImageV
Gets the vertical relative alignment of the image.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextColor1
Gets the first back color for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextColor2
Gets the second back color for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextColorAlign
Gets the color alignment for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextColorAngle
Gets the color background angle for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextColorStyle
Gets the color drawing style for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextFont
Gets the font for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextH
Gets the horizontal relative alignment of the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextHint
Gets the rendering hint for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextImage
Gets a background image for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextImageAlign
Gets the image alignment for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextImageStyle
Gets the background image style for the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextMultiLine
Gets the flag indicating if multiline text is allowed for long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextMultiLineH
Gets the horizontal relative alignment of multiline long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextNewFont
Gets the font for the long text by generating a new font instance.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextPrefix
Gets the prefix drawing setting for long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextTrim
Gets the text trimming to use for long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextV
Gets the vertical relative alignment of the long text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentPadding
Gets the padding between the border and content drawing.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextColor1
Gets the first back color for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextColor2
Gets the second back color for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextColorAlign
Gets the color alignment for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextColorAngle
Gets the color background angle for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextColorStyle
Gets the color drawing style for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextFont
Gets the font for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextH
Gets the horizontal relative alignment of the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextHint
Gets the rendering hint for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextImage
Gets a background image for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextImageAlign
Gets the image alignment for the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextImageStyle
Gets the background image style.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextMultiLine
Gets the flag indicating if multiline text is allowed for short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextMultiLineH
Gets the horizontal relative alignment of multiline short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextNewFont
Gets the font for the short text by generating a new font instance.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextPrefix
Gets the prefix drawing setting for short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextTrim
Gets the text trimming to use for short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextV
Gets the vertical relative alignment of the short text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContextMenuCheckedImage
Gets a checked image appropriate for a context menu item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContextMenuIndeterminateImage
Gets a indeterminate image appropriate for a context menu item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetContextMenuSubMenuImage
Gets an image indicating a sub-menu on a context menu item.
(Overrides PaletteBaseGetContextMenuSubMenuImage.)
Public methodGetDragDropDockActive
Gets the active color for docking indicators.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDragDropDockBack
Gets the background color for the docking indicators area.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDragDropDockBorder
Gets the border color for the docking indicators area.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDragDropDockInactive
Gets the inactive color for docking indicators.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDragDropFeedback
Gets the feedback drawing method used.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDragDropSolidBack
Gets the background color for a solid drag drop area.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDragDropSolidBorder
Gets the border color for a solid drag drop area.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDragDropSolidOpacity
Gets the opacity of the solid area.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Public methodGetDropDownButtonImage
Gets a drop down button image appropriate for the provided state.
(Overrides PaletteNeoAxisBaseGetDropDownButtonImage(PaletteState).)
Public methodGetElementColor1
Gets the first element color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetElementColor2
Gets the second element color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetElementColor3
Gets the third element color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetElementColor4
Gets the fourth element color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetElementColor5
Gets the fifth element color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetFormCaptionHeight (Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetFormMargin (Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetGalleryButtonImage
Gets a check box image appropriate for the provided state.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLifetimeService
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodGetMetricBool
Gets a boolean metric value.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetMetricInt
Gets an integer metric value.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetMetricPadding
Gets a padding metric value.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRadioButtonImage
Gets a check box image appropriate for the provided state.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRenderer
Gets the renderer to use for this palette.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonBackColor1
Gets the first background color for the ribbon item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonBackColor2
Gets the second background color for the ribbon item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonBackColor3
Gets the third background color for the ribbon item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonBackColor4
Gets the fourth background color for the ribbon item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonBackColor5
Gets the fifth background color for the ribbon item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonBackColorStyle
Gets the method used to draw the background of a ribbon item.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonContextTextAlign
Gets the text alignment for the ribbon context text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonContextTextColor
Gets the color for the ribbon context text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonContextTextFont
Gets the font for the ribbon context text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonDisabledDark
Gets the dark disabled color used for ribbon glyphs.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonDisabledLight
Gets the light disabled color used for ribbon glyphs.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonDropArrowDark
Gets the color for the drop arrow dark.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonDropArrowLight
Gets the color for the drop arrow light.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonGroupDialogDark
Gets the color for the dialog launcher dark.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonGroupDialogLight
Gets the color for the dialog launcher light.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonGroupSeparatorDark
Gets the color for the group separator dark.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonGroupSeparatorLight
Gets the color for the group separator light.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonMinimizeBarDark
Gets the color for the minimize bar dark.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonMinimizeBarLight
Gets the color for the minimize bar light.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonQATButtonDark
Gets the color for the extra QAT button dark content color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonQATButtonLight
Gets the color for the extra QAT button light content color.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonShape
Gets the ribbon shape that should be used.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonTabSeparatorColor
Gets the color for the tab separator.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonTabSeparatorContextColor
Gets the color for the tab context separators.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonTextColor
Gets the =color for the item text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonTextFont
Gets the font for the ribbon text.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetRibbonTextHint
Gets the rendering hint for the ribbon font.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Protected methodGetService
Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetTreeViewImage
Gets a tree view image appropriate for the provided state.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitializeLifetimeService
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone(Boolean)
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodOnAllowFormChromeChanged
Raises the AllowFormChromeChanged event.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Protected methodOnBasePaletteChanged
Raises the BasePaletteChanged event.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Protected methodOnBaseRendererChanged
Raises the BaseRendererChanged event.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Protected methodOnButtonSpecChanged
Raises the ButtonSpecChanged event.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Protected methodOnPalettePaint
Raises the PalettePaint event.
(Inherited from PaletteBase.)
Protected methodOnUserPreferenceChanged
Handle a change in the user preferences.
(Inherited from PaletteNeoAxisBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Inherited from Component.)
Extension Methods
See Also