Click or drag to resize

ViewDrawGroupBoxDocker Methods

The ViewDrawGroupBoxDocker type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(ViewBase)
Append a view to the collection.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodAdd(ViewBase, ViewDockStyle)
Append a view to the collection.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Protected methodCalculateDock
Find the actual docking to apply for the specified RightToLeft setting.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Public methodClear
Remove all views from the collection.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodClearFixedState
Clear down the use of the fixed state
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodContains
Determines whether the collection contains the view.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodContainsRecurse
Determines whether any part of the view hierarchy is the specified view.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodCopyTo
Copies views to specified array starting at particular index.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodDispose
Release managed and unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Clean up any resources being used.
(Inherited from ViewDrawCanvas.)
Public methodDoubleClick
Left mouse button has been double clicked.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvalTransparentPaint
Evaluate the need for drawing transparent areas.
(Overrides ViewDrawDockerEvalTransparentPaint(ViewContext).)
Protected methodFinalize
Release resources.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodFindMouseController
Mouse has entered the view.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodGetDock
Gets the dock setting for the provided child instance.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Shallow enumerate forward over children of the element.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNonChildSize
Gets the size required for all except the contents.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Public methodGetOuterBorderPath
Gets a path that describes the outside of the border.
(Inherited from ViewDrawCanvas.)
Public methodGetPreferredSize
Discover the preferred size of the element.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGotFocus
Source control has got the focus.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodIndexOf
Determines the index of the specified view in the collection.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodInsert
Inserts a view to the collection at the specified index.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodKeyDown
Key has been pressed down.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodKeyPress
Key has been pressed.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodKeyUp
Key has been released.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodLayout
Perform a layout of the elements.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Public methodLostFocus
Source control has lost the focus.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMouseDown
Mouse button has been pressed in the view.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodMouseEnter
Mouse has entered the view.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodMouseLeave
Mouse has left the view.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodMouseMove
Mouse has moved inside the view.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Public methodMouseUp
Mouse button has been released in the view.
(Inherited from ViewBase.)
Protected methodOrientateDock
Update the incoming dock style to reflect our orientation.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Public methodRecurse
Deep enumerate forward over children of the element.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodRemove
Removes first occurance of specified view.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes the view at the specified index.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodRender
Perform a render of the elements.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodRenderAfter
Perform rendering after child elements are rendered.
(Overrides ViewDrawCanvasRenderAfter(RenderContext).)
Public methodRenderBefore
Perform rendering before child elements are rendered.
(Overrides ViewDrawCanvasRenderBefore(RenderContext).)
Public methodRenderBorder
Draw the canvas border.
(Overrides ViewDrawCanvasRenderBorder(RenderContext).)
Public methodReverse
Shallow enumerate backwards over children of the element.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodReverseRecurse
Deep enumerate backwards over children of the element.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Public methodSetDock
Sets the dock setting for the provided child instance.
(Inherited from ViewDrawDocker.)
Public methodSetPalettes(IPaletteBack, IPaletteBorder)
Update the source palettes for drawing.
(Inherited from ViewDrawCanvas.)
Public methodSetPalettes(IPaletteBack, IPaletteBorder, IPaletteMetric)
Update the source palettes for drawing.
(Inherited from ViewDrawCanvas.)
Public methodToString
Obtains the String representation of this instance.
(Overrides ViewDrawDockerToString.)
Public methodViewFromPoint
Find the view that contains the specified point.
(Inherited from ViewComposite.)
Extension Methods
See Also