The BoundsF type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
| Add(BoundsF) | |
| Add(BoundsF) | |
| Add(Vector3F) | |
| Add(Vector3F) | |
| Add(Vector3F) | |
| Add(ICollectionVector3F) | |
| Add(BoundsF, Vector3F) | |
| Add(Vector3F, BoundsF) | |
| Add(BoundsF, Vector3F, BoundsF) | |
| Add(Vector3F, BoundsF, BoundsF) | |
| Contains(BoundsF) | |
| Contains(BoundsF) | |
| Contains(Vector3F) | |
| Contains(Vector3F) | |
| Equals(Object) | (Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).) |
| Equals(BoundsF, Single) | |
| Expand(Single) | |
| Expand(Vector3F) | |
| GetBoundingSphere | |
| GetBoundingSphere(SphereF) | |
| GetCenter | |
| GetCenter(Vector3F) | |
| GetExpanded(Single) | |
| GetExpanded(Vector3F) | |
| GetHashCode | (Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.) |
| GetPlaneDistance(PlaneF) | |
| GetPlaneDistance(PlaneF) | |
| GetPlaneSide(PlaneF) | |
| GetPlaneSide(PlaneF) | |
| GetPointDistance | |
| GetPointDistanceSquared(Vector3F) | |
| GetPointDistanceSquared(Vector3F) | |
| GetRadius | |
| GetRadius(Vector3F) | |
| GetSize | |
| GetSize(Vector3F) | |
| GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetVolume | |
| Intersection(BoundsF) | |
| Intersection(BoundsF, BoundsF) | |
| Intersects(BoundsF) | |
| Intersects(BoundsF) | |
| Intersects(RayF) | |
| Intersects(RayF) | |
| Intersects(SphereF) | |
| Intersects(SphereF) | |
| Intersects(TriangleF) | |
| Intersects(TriangleF) | |
| Intersects(RayF, Single) | |
| Intersects(RayF, Single) | |
| IsCleared | |
| Merge | |
| Parse | |
| Subtract(BoundsF, Vector3F) | |
| Subtract(Vector3F, BoundsF) | |
| Subtract(BoundsF, Vector3F, BoundsF) | |
| Subtract(Vector3F, BoundsF, BoundsF) | |
| ToBounds | |
| ToBoundsI | |
| ToPoints | |
| ToPoints(Vector3F) | |
| ToString | (Overrides ValueTypeToString.) |
| ToString(Int32) | |
TopExtension Methods See Also