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Project Settings

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Project Settings


The project settings opens with the Settings button in the Ribbon.

Screenshot999868 11.png

Ribbon and Toolbar

The editor allows you to customize the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar. You can add your own tabs to the ribbon and actions in them.

Name Description
Project Name The name of the project.
Cloud Project Name The name of the world.
Theme The theme of the editor. Restart the editor to apply changes.
Language The language of the editor. Restart the editor to apply changes.
Max Frames Per Second Document The maximum FPS in the document.
Max Frames Per Second Preview The maximum FPS in the preview.
Sound Volume The volume of the sound playback.
Display Hierarchy Of Objects In Settings Window Whether to enable an additional objects tree in the Settings window. This makes it possible to work with objects more flexibly, although it takes up more space in the window.
Properties Max Count Collection Items To Display The maximum number of items that can be displayed for collections in the Settings window.
Customize Windows Style Whether to use custom style for window title bars. Restart the editor to apply changes.
Show Centering Borders Whether to show centering borders for mesh and surface editors to help take screenshots for the store.
Run Player From Editor In Fullscreen Whether to launch the Player in fullscreen mode.
Simulation Steps Per Second The number of simulation steps per second.
Initial UIScreen Initial UI file when starting the project application.
Autorun Scene A scene to run automatically when the Player started.
Window State The initial state of the project window. When set to Auto, it will enabled Fullscreen mode or Maximized mode when run from the editor.
Window Size The initial window size of the project window for Normal window state.
Engine Splash Screen Style The style of the engine splash screen when the application is launched. Subscribe to NeoAxis Pro to enable the option.

Scene Editor
Name Description
Scene Editor Step Movement The snap value applied when object is moved.
Scene Editor Step Rotation The snap value applied when object is rotated.
Scene Editor Step Scaling The snap value applied when object is scaled.
Transform Tool Rotation Sensitivity The sensitivity of the object rotation.
Transform Tool Size The size of the transform tool.
Transform Tool Line Thickness The thickness of the transform tool line.
Transform Tool Shadow Intensity The intensity of the shadows drawn by the transform tool.
Camera Keyboard Movement Speed Normal The normal keyboard speed of the camera movement.
Camera Keyboard Movement Speed Fast The keyboard speed of the camera movement in fast mode. Hold Shift key to turn the fast camera mode.
Camera Keyboard Rotation Speed Normal The normal keyboard speed of the camera rotation.
Camera Keyboard Rotation Speed Fast The keyboard speed of the camera rotation in fast mode.
Camera Mouse Movement Sensitivity Normal The normal mouse sensitivity of the camera movement.
Camera Mouse Movement Sensitivity Fast The mouse sensitivity of the camera movement in fast mode.
Camera Mouse Rotation Sensitivity Horizontal The horizontal mouse sensitivity of the camera rotation.
Camera Mouse Rotation Sensitivity Vertical The vertical mouse sensitivity of the camera rotation.
Camera Mouse Track Movement Sensitivity Normal The normal mouse sensitivity of the camera movement.
Camera Mouse Track Movement Sensitivity Fast The mouse sensitivity of the camera movement in fast mode.
Camera Mouse Wheel Movement Sensitivity Normal The normal mouse wheel sensitivity of the camera movement.
Camera Mouse Wheel Movement Sensitivity Fast The mouse wheel sensitivity of the camera movement in fast mode.
Scene Editor Select By Double Click Radius The radius of the selection of objects with a double click.
Scene Editor Select Outline Effect Enabled Whether to allow using outline effect for selected objects.
Scene Editor Select Outline Effect Scale The size of the outline effect.
Screen Label Max Size The maximal size of labels on the screen.
Screen Label Min Size Factor The minimal size of labels on the screen.
Screen Label Max Distance The visibility distance of labels.
Screen Label Color The color of screen labels.
Screen Label Display Icons Whether to display label icons.

UI Editor
Name Description
UIEditor Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of the canvas of UI Editor.
UIEditor Display Grid Whether to display a grid.
UIEditor Parent Measure Step Movement The size of move step for Parent measure.
UIEditor Units Measure Step Movement The size of move step for Units measure.
UIEditor Pixels Measure Step Movement The size of move step for Pixels measure.
UIEditor Screen Measure Step Movement The size of move step for Screen measure.

C# Editor
Name Description
CSharp Editor Display Line Numbers Whether to display line numbers.
CSharp Editor Display Info Markers Whether to display info markers.
CSharp Editor Display Warning Markers Whether to display warning markers.
CSharp Editor Display Error Markers Whether to display error markers.
CSharp Editor Display Quick Actions Whether to display quick actions.
CSharp Editor Word Wrap Whether to wrap words.
CSharp Editor Brace Completion Whether to enable auto brace completion.
CSharp Editor Automatically Format Statement On Semicolon Whether to enable auto format when enter semicolon character.
CSharp Editor Automatically Format Block On Bracket Whether to enable auto format when enter bracket character.
CSharp Editor Font The name of the font.
CSharp Editor Font Size The size of the font.
CSharp Editor Background Color Light Theme The background color for the light theme.
CSharp Editor Background Color Dark Theme The background color for the dark theme.
CSharp Editor Selection Background Light Theme The background color of selected text for the light theme.
CSharp Editor Selection Foreground Light Theme The foreground color of selected text for the light theme.
CSharp Editor Selection Background Dark Theme The background color of selected text for the dark theme.
CSharp Editor Selection Foreground Dark Theme The foreground color of selected text for the dark theme.
CSharp Editor Search Background Light Theme The background color of search text for the light theme.
CSharp Editor Search Background Dark Theme The background color of search text for the dark theme.

Shader Editor
Name Description
Shader Editor Display Line Numbers Whether to display line numbers.
Shader Editor Word Wrap Whether to wrap words.
Shader Editor Background Color Light Theme The background color for the light theme.
Shader Editor Font The name of the font.
Shader Editor Font Size The size of the font.
Shader Editor Background Color Dark Theme The background color for the dark theme.
Shader Editor Selection Background Light Theme The background color of selected text for the light theme.
Shader Editor Selection Foreground Light Theme The foreground color of selected text for the light theme.
Shader Editor Selection Background Dark Theme The background color of selected text for the dark theme.
Shader Editor Selection Foreground Dark Theme The foreground color of selected text for the dark theme.
Shader Editor Search Background Light Theme The background color of search text for the light theme.
Shader Editor Search Background Dark Theme The background color of search text for the dark theme.

Text Editor
Name Description
Text Editor Display Line Numbers Whether to display line numbers.
Text Editor Word Wrap Whether to wrap words.
Text Editor Font The name of the font.
Text Editor Font Size The font size.
Text Editor Background Color Light Theme The color of editor background for the light theme.
Text Editor Foreground Color Light Theme The color of editor foreground for the light theme.
Text Editor Background Color Dark Theme The color of editor background for the dark theme.
Text Editor Foreground Color Dark Theme The color of editor foreground for the dark theme.
Text Editor Selection Background Light Theme The color of background selection for the light theme.
Text Editor Selection Foreground Light Theme The color of foreground selection for the light theme.
Text Editor Selection Background Dark Theme The color of background selection for the dark theme.
Text Editor Selection Foreground Dark Theme The color of foreground selection for the dark theme.
Text Editor Search Background Light Theme The color of search background for the light theme.
Text Editor Search Background Dark Theme The color of search background for the dark theme.

Name Description
Line Thickness The default thickness of debug lines.
Material Shading The quality of lit shading of materials.
Material Shading Limited Device The quality of lit shading of materials on limited devices (mobile).
Shadow Technique The shadow technique of the project.
Shadow Technique Limited Device The shadow technique of the project on limited devices (mobile).
Shadow Texture Format The format of shadow textures. Byte4 is used when a GPU is not supports Float32 format, mostly it is low-end mobile devices. Auto mode has not been added for this parameter, because some mobile devices incorrectly provide info about the support for Float32.
Shadow Texture Format Limited Device The format of shadow textures. Byte4 is used when a GPU is not supports Float32 format, mostly it is low-end mobile devices. Auto mode has not been added for this parameter, because some mobile devices incorrectly provide info about the support for Float32.
Skeletal Animation Whether to allow using skeletal animation.
Skeletal Animation Limited Device Whether to allow using skeletal animation on limited devices (mobile).
Light Mask Whether to allow using light mask for lights.
Light Mask Limited Device Whether to allow using light mask for lights on limited devices (mobile).
Normal Mapping Whether to allow using normal mapping.
Normal Mapping Limited Device Whether to allow using normal mapping on limited devices (mobile).
Anisotropic Filtering Whether to enable anisotropic filtering for textures.
Anisotropic Filtering Limited Device Whether to enable anisotropic filtering for textures on limited devices (mobile).
Displacement Max Steps The maximal amount of steps for the displacement mapping of materials.
Displacement Max Steps Limited Device The maximal amount of steps for the displacement mapping of materials on limited devices (mobile).
Remove Texture Tiling Whether to allow using the technique to remove texture tiling.
Remove Texture Tiling Limited Device Whether to allow using the technique to remove texture tiling on limited devices (mobile).
Motion Vector Whether to allow using the motion vectors to enable a motion blur or a temporal antialiasing.
Motion Vector Limited Device Whether to allow using the motion vectors to enable a motion blur or a temporal antialiasing on limited devices (mobile).
Indirect Lighting Full Mode Whether to allow using the indirect lighting in a full mode.
Indirect Lighting Full Mode Limited Device Whether to allow using the indirect lighting in a full mode on limited devices (mobile).
Cut Volume Max Amount The amount of maximal amount of cut volumes.
Cut Volume Max Amount Limited Device The amount of maximal amount of cut volumes on limited devices (mobile).
Fog Whether to allow using the fog effect.
Fog Limited Device Whether to allow using the fog effect on limited devices (mobile).
Smooth LOD Whether to enable the smooth transition between levels of detail.
Smooth LODLimited Device Whether to enable the smooth transition between levels of detail on limited devices (mobile).
Voxel LOD Whether to allow using voxel-based LOD technique.
Voxel LODLimited Device Whether to allow using voxel-based LOD technique on limited devices (mobile).
Voxel LODMax Steps The maximal abount of ray matching steps in the fragment shader.
Voxel LODMax Steps Limited Device The maximal abount of ray matching steps in the fragment shader on limited devices (mobile).
Fade By Visibility Distance Whether to use smooth fading of objects by visibility distance.
Fade By Visibility Distance Limited Device Whether to use smooth fading of objects by visibility distance on limited devices (mobile).
Debug Mode Whether to allow using Debug Mode of the scene.
Debug Mode Limited Device Whether to allow using Debug Mode of the scene on limited devices (mobile).

See also
Project MenuCustomize Workspace