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IKryptonMonthCalendar Properties

The IKryptonMonthCalendar type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnnuallyBoldedDatesMask
Array of annual days per month to be bolded.
Public propertyBoldedDatesList
Dates to be bolded.
Public propertyCalendarControl
Gets access to the owning control
Public propertyCalendarDimensions
Gets the number of columns and rows of months displayed.
Public propertyFirstDayOfWeek
First day of the week.
Public propertyFocusDay
Gets the focus day.
Public propertyGetToolStripDelegate
Gets a delegate for creating tool strip renderers.
Public propertyInDesignMode
Gets if the control is in design mode.
Public propertyMaxDate
Last date allowed to be drawn/selected.
Public propertyMaxSelectionCount
Number of days allowed to be selected at a time.
Public propertyMinDate
First date allowed to be drawn/selected.
Public propertyMonthlyBoldedDatesMask
Monthly days to be bolded.
Public propertyOverrideCheckedNormal
Gets access to the override for checked normal day.
Public propertyOverrideCheckedPressed
Gets access to the override for checked pressed day.
Public propertyOverrideCheckedTracking
Gets access to the override for checked tracking day.
Public propertyOverrideDisabled
Gets access to the override for disabled day.
Public propertyOverrideNormal
Gets access to the override for disabled day.
Public propertyOverridePressed
Gets access to the override for pressed day.
Public propertyOverrideTracking
Gets access to the override for tracking day.
Public propertyScrollChange
Gets the number of months to move for next/prev buttons.
Public propertySelectionEnd
End of selected range.
Public propertySelectionStart
Start of selected range.
Public propertyStateCheckedNormal
Gets access to the month calendar checked normal appearance entries.
Public propertyStateCheckedPressed
Gets access to the month calendar checked pressed appearance entries.
Public propertyStateCheckedTracking
Gets access to the month calendar checked tracking appearance entries.
Public propertyStateCommon
Gets access to the month calendar common appearance entries.
Public propertyStateDisabled
Gets access to the month calendar disabled appearance entries.
Public propertyStateNormal
Gets access to the month calendar normal appearance entries.
Public propertyStatePressed
Gets access to the month calendar pressed appearance entries.
Public propertyStateTracking
Gets access to the month calendar tracking appearance entries.
Public propertyTodayDate
Today's date.
Public propertyTodayFormat
Today's date format.
See Also