Click or drag to resize

KryptonColorTable2016 Properties

The KryptonColorTable2016 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyButtonCheckedGradientBegin
Gets the background starting color for a checked button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonCheckedGradientBegin.)
Public propertyButtonCheckedGradientEnd
Gets the background ending color for a checked button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonCheckedGradientEnd.)
Public propertyButtonCheckedGradientMiddle
Gets the background middle color for a checked button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonCheckedGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyButtonCheckedHighlight
Gets the highlight background for a checked button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonCheckedHighlight.)
Public propertyButtonCheckedHighlightBorder
Gets the highlight border for a checked button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonCheckedHighlightBorder.)
Public propertyButtonPressedBorder
Gets the border color for a button being pressed.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonPressedBorder.)
Public propertyButtonPressedGradientBegin
Gets the background starting color for a button being pressed.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonPressedGradientBegin.)
Public propertyButtonPressedGradientEnd
Gets the background ending color for a button being pressed.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonPressedGradientEnd.)
Public propertyButtonPressedGradientMiddle
Gets the background middle color for a button being pressed.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonPressedGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyButtonPressedHighlight
Gets the highlight background for a pressed button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonPressedHighlight.)
Public propertyButtonPressedHighlightBorder
Gets the highlight border for a pressed button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonPressedHighlightBorder.)
Public propertyButtonSelectedBorder
Gets the border color for a button being selected.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonSelectedBorder.)
Public propertyButtonSelectedGradientBegin
Gets the background starting color for a button being selected.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonSelectedGradientBegin.)
Public propertyButtonSelectedGradientEnd
Gets the background ending color for a button being selected.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonSelectedGradientEnd.)
Public propertyButtonSelectedGradientMiddle
Gets the background middle color for a button being selected.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonSelectedGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyButtonSelectedHighlight
Gets the highlight background for a selected button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonSelectedHighlight.)
Public propertyButtonSelectedHighlightBorder
Gets the highlight border for a selected button.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableButtonSelectedHighlightBorder.)
Public propertyCheckBackground
Gets the solid color to use when the button is checked and gradients are being used.
(Inherited from ProfessionalColorTable.)
Public propertyCheckPressedBackground
Gets the solid color to use when the button is checked and selected and gradients are being used.
(Inherited from ProfessionalColorTable.)
Public propertyCheckSelectedBackground
Gets the solid color to use when the button is checked and selected and gradients are being used.
(Inherited from ProfessionalColorTable.)
Public propertyColors
Gets the raw set of colors.
Public propertyGripDark
Gets the dark color used to draw grips.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableGripDark.)
Public propertyGripLight
Gets the light color used to draw grips.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableGripLight.)
Public propertyImageMarginGradientBegin
Gets the starting color for the context menu margin.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableImageMarginGradientBegin.)
Public propertyImageMarginGradientEnd
Gets the ending color for the context menu margin.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableImageMarginGradientEnd.)
Public propertyImageMarginGradientMiddle
Gets the middle color for the context menu margin.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableImageMarginGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyImageMarginRevealedGradientBegin
Gets the starting color for the context menu margin revealed.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableImageMarginRevealedGradientBegin.)
Public propertyImageMarginRevealedGradientEnd
Gets the ending color for the context menu margin revealed.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableImageMarginRevealedGradientEnd.)
Public propertyImageMarginRevealedGradientMiddle
Gets the middle color for the context menu margin revealed.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableImageMarginRevealedGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyMenuBorder
Gets the color of the border around menus.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuBorder.)
Public propertyMenuItemBorder
Gets the border color for around the menu item.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuItemBorder.)
Public propertyMenuItemPressedGradientBegin
Gets the starting color of the gradient used when a top-level ToolStripMenuItem is pressed down.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuItemPressedGradientBegin.)
Public propertyMenuItemPressedGradientEnd
Gets the end color of the gradient used when a top-level ToolStripMenuItem is pressed down.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuItemPressedGradientEnd.)
Public propertyMenuItemPressedGradientMiddle
Gets the middle color of the gradient used when a top-level ToolStripMenuItem is pressed down.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuItemPressedGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyMenuItemSelected
Gets the color of a selected menu item.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuItemSelected.)
Public propertyMenuItemSelectedGradientBegin
Gets the starting color of the gradient used when the ToolStripMenuItem is selected.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuItemSelectedGradientBegin.)
Public propertyMenuItemSelectedGradientEnd
Gets the end color of the gradient used when the ToolStripMenuItem is selected.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuItemSelectedGradientEnd.)
Public propertyMenuItemText
Gets the text color used on the menu items.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableMenuItemText.)
Public propertyMenuStripFont
Gets the font used on the menu strip.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableMenuStripFont.)
Public propertyMenuStripGradientBegin
Gets the starting color of the gradient used in the MenuStrip.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuStripGradientBegin.)
Public propertyMenuStripGradientEnd
Gets the end color of the gradient used in the MenuStrip.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableMenuStripGradientEnd.)
Public propertyMenuStripText
Gets the text color used on the menu strip.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableMenuStripText.)
Public propertyOverflowButtonGradientBegin
Gets the starting color of the gradient used in the ToolStripOverflowButton.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableOverflowButtonGradientBegin.)
Public propertyOverflowButtonGradientEnd
Gets the end color of the gradient used in the ToolStripOverflowButton.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableOverflowButtonGradientEnd.)
Public propertyOverflowButtonGradientMiddle
Gets the middle color of the gradient used in the ToolStripOverflowButton.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableOverflowButtonGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyPalette
Gets the associated palette instance.
(Inherited from KryptonColorTable.)
Public propertyRaftingContainerGradientBegin
Gets the starting color of the gradient used in the ToolStripContainer.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableRaftingContainerGradientBegin.)
Public propertyRaftingContainerGradientEnd
Gets the end color of the gradient used in the ToolStripContainer.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableRaftingContainerGradientEnd.)
Public propertySeparatorDark
Gets the dark separator color.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableSeparatorDark.)
Public propertySeparatorLight
Gets the light separator color.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableSeparatorLight.)
Public propertyStatusStripFont
Gets the font used on the status strip.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableStatusStripFont.)
Public propertyStatusStripGradientBegin
Gets the starting color for the status strip background.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableStatusStripGradientBegin.)
Public propertyStatusStripGradientEnd
Gets the ending color for the status strip background.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableStatusStripGradientEnd.)
Public propertyStatusStripText
Gets the text color used on the status strip.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableStatusStripText.)
Public propertyToolStripBorder
Gets the border color to use on the bottom edge of the ToolStrip.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripBorder.)
Public propertyToolStripContentPanelGradientBegin
Gets the starting color for the content panel background.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripContentPanelGradientBegin.)
Public propertyToolStripContentPanelGradientEnd
Gets the ending color for the content panel background.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripContentPanelGradientEnd.)
Public propertyToolStripDropDownBackground
Gets the background color for drop down menus.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripDropDownBackground.)
Public propertyToolStripFont
Gets the font used on the tool strip.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableToolStripFont.)
Public propertyToolStripGradientBegin
Gets the starting color of the gradient used in the ToolStrip background.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripGradientBegin.)
Public propertyToolStripGradientEnd
Gets the end color of the gradient used in the ToolStrip background.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripGradientEnd.)
Public propertyToolStripGradientMiddle
Gets the middle color of the gradient used in the ToolStrip background.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripGradientMiddle.)
Public propertyToolStripPanelGradientBegin
Gets the starting color of the gradient used in the ToolStripPanel.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripPanelGradientBegin.)
Public propertyToolStripPanelGradientEnd
Gets the end color of the gradient used in the ToolStripPanel.
(Overrides ProfessionalColorTableToolStripPanelGradientEnd.)
Public propertyToolStripText
Gets the text color used on the tool strip.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableToolStripText.)
Public propertyUseRoundedEdges
Gets a value indicating if rounded egdes are required.
(Overrides KryptonColorTableUseRoundedEdges.)
Public propertyUseSystemColors
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use SystemColors rather than colors that match the current visual style.
(Inherited from ProfessionalColorTable.)
See Also