Click or drag to resize

KryptonPaletteButtonSpecs Properties

The KryptonPaletteButtonSpecs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArrowDown
Gets access to the right up button specification.
Public propertyArrowLeft
Gets access to the left arrow button specification.
Public propertyArrowRight
Gets access to the right arrow button specification.
Public propertyArrowUp
Gets access to the right up button specification.
Public propertyClose
Gets access to the close button specification.
Public propertyCommon
Gets access to the common button specification.
Public propertyContext
Gets access to the context button specification.
Public propertyDropDown
Gets access to the drop down button specification.
Public propertyFormClose
Gets access to the form close button specification.
Public propertyFormMax
Gets access to the form maximize button specification.
Public propertyFormMin
Gets access to the form minimize button specification.
Public propertyFormRestore
Gets access to the form restore button specification.
Public propertyGeneric
Gets access to the generic button specification.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the object.
(Inherited from GlobalId.)
Public propertyIsDefault
Gets a value indicating if all values are default.
(Overrides StorageIsDefault.)
Public propertyNeedPaint
Gets and sets the need paint delegate for notifying paint requests.
(Inherited from Storage.)
Protected propertyNeedPaintDelegate
Gets access to the need paint delegate.
(Inherited from Storage.)
Public propertyNext
Gets access to the next button specification.
Public propertyPendantClose
Gets access to the pendant close button specification.
Public propertyPendantMin
Gets access to the pendant minimize button specification.
Public propertyPendantRestore
Gets access to the pendant restore button specification.
Public propertyPinHorizontal
Gets access to the pin horizontal button specification.
Public propertyPinVertical
Gets access to the pin vertical button specification.
Public propertyPrevious
Gets access to the previous button specification.
Public propertyRibbonExpand
Gets access to the ribbon expand button specification.
Public propertyRibbonMinimize
Gets access to the ribbon minimize button specification.
Public propertyWorkspaceMaximize
Gets access to the workspace maximize button specification.
Public propertyWorkspaceRestore
Gets access to the workspace restore button specification.
See Also