Click or drag to resize

KryptonPaletteImagesDropDownButton Properties

The KryptonPaletteImagesDropDownButton type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCommon
Gets and sets the common image that other drop down button images inherit from.
Public propertyDisabled
Gets and sets the image for use when the drop down button is disabled.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the object.
(Inherited from GlobalId.)
Public propertyIsDefault
Gets a value indicating if all values are default.
(Overrides StorageIsDefault.)
Public propertyNeedPaint
Gets and sets the need paint delegate for notifying paint requests.
(Inherited from Storage.)
Protected propertyNeedPaintDelegate
Gets access to the need paint delegate.
(Inherited from Storage.)
Public propertyNormal
Gets and sets the image for use when the drop down button is not disabled.
Public propertyPressed
Gets and sets the image for use when the drop down button is pressed.
Public propertyTracking
Gets and sets the image for use when the drop down button is tracking.
See Also