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PaletteRibbonGeneral Properties

The PaletteRibbonGeneral type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContextTextAlign
Gets and sets the text alignment for the ribbon context text.
Public propertyContextTextColor
Gets and sets the text color used for ribbon context text.
Public propertyContextTextFont
Gets and sets the font for the ribbon context text.
Public propertyDisabledDark
Gets access to dark disabled color used for ribbon glyphs.
Public propertyDisabledLight
Gets access to light disabled color used for ribbon glyphs.
Public propertyDropArrowDark
Gets access to ribbon drop arow dark color.
Public propertyDropArrowLight
Gets access to ribbon drop arrow light color.
Public propertyGroupDialogDark
Gets access to ribbon dialog launcher button dark color.
Public propertyGroupDialogLight
Gets access to ribbon group dialog launcher button light color.
Public propertyGroupSeparatorDark
Gets access to ribbon group separator dark color.
Public propertyGroupSeparatorLight
Gets access to ribbon group separator light color.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the object.
(Inherited from GlobalId.)
Public propertyIsDefault
Gets a value indicating if all values are default.
(Overrides StorageIsDefault.)
Public propertyMinimizeBarDarkColor
Gets access to ribbon minimize bar dark color.
Public propertyMinimizeBarLightColor
Gets access to ribbon minimize bar light color.
Public propertyNeedPaint
Gets and sets the need paint delegate for notifying paint requests.
(Inherited from Storage.)
Protected propertyNeedPaintDelegate
Gets access to the need paint delegate.
(Inherited from Storage.)
Public propertyQATButtonDarkColor
Gets access to extra QAT extra button dark content color.
Public propertyQATButtonLightColor
Gets access to extra QAT extra button light content color.
Public propertyRibbonShape
Gets access to ribbon shape.
Public propertyTabSeparatorColor
Gets access to ribbon tab separator color.
Public propertyTabSeparatorContextColor
Gets access to ribbon context tab separator color.
Public propertyTextFont
Gets and sets the font for the ribbon text.
Public propertyTextHint
Gets and sets the rendering hint for the text font.
See Also