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Road Type

RoadManual / Addons / Road / Road TypeRoad

Road Type

Represents a type of the Road.

Name Description
Way To Use How to use the road.
Lane Width The width of lanes.
Roadside Edge Width The width of roadside edges.
Surface Material The material of the surface.
UVTiles Length The length of UV tiles.
Age Imperfection The surface of age imperfections.
Markup Material The material of the markup.
Markup Dotted Material The material of dotted markups.
Markup Dividing Lane Width The width of markup dividing lanes.
Markup Roadside Width The width of roadside markups.
Shoulder Width The width of shoulders.
Shoulder Material The material of shoulders.
Shoulder UVTiles Length The UV tiles length of shoulders.
Sidewalk Width The width of sidewalks.
Sidewalk Height The height of sidewalks.
Sidewalk Material The material of sidewalks.
Sidewalk UVTiles Length The UV tiles length of sidewalks.
Sidewalk Border Width The width of sidewalk borders.
Sidewalk Border Material The material of sidewalk borders.
Sidewalk Border UVTiles Length The UV tiles length of sidewalk borders.
Segments Length The length of segments.
Visibility Distance Factor The factor of maximum visibility distance. The maximum distance is calculated based on the size of the object on the screen.
Surface Collision Material The physical material used by the rigid body.
Surface Collision Friction The amount of friction applied on the rigid body.
Surface Collision Restitution The ratio of the final relative velocity to initial relative velocity of the rigid body after collision.
See also