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BoxF Structure

Represents a single precision oriented bounding box in three dimensional space.

Namespace:  NeoAxis
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public struct BoxF

The BoxF type exposes the following members.

Public methodBoxF(BoundsF)
Constructs a box with the given bounds.
Public methodBoxF(BoxF)
Constructs a box with another specified BoxF object.
Public methodBoxF(Vector3F)
Constructs a box with the given center point.
Public methodBoxF(BoundsF, Vector3F, Matrix3F)
Constructs a box with the given bounds, origin and axis.
Public methodBoxF(BoundsF, Vector3F, Matrix3F)
Constructs a box with the given bounds, origin and axis.
Public methodBoxF(Vector3F, Vector3F, Matrix3F)
Constructs a box with the given center, extents and axis.
Public methodBoxF(Vector3F, Vector3F, Matrix3F)
Constructs a box with the given center, extents and axis.
Public methodStatic memberAdd(BoxF, Vector3F)
Addition of a given box and a vector.
Public methodStatic memberAdd(BoxF, Vector3F, BoxF)
Addition of a given box and a vector.
Public methodContains(BoundsF)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains given bounds.
Public methodContains(BoundsF)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains given bounds.
Public methodContains(BoxF)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains another instance of BoxF.
Public methodContains(BoxF)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains another instance of BoxF.
Public methodContains(SphereF)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains the given sphere.
Public methodContains(SphereF)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains the given sphere.
Public methodContains(Vector3F)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains a given point.
Public methodContains(Vector3F)
Determines whether the current instance of BoxF contains a given point.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current instance of BoxF.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(BoxF, Single)
Determines whether the specified box is equal to the current instance of BoxF with a given precision.
Public methodExpand
Expands the current instance of BoxF by a given value.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetPlaneDistance(PlaneF)
Calculates the distance between the current instance of BoxF and the given plane.
Public methodGetPlaneDistance(PlaneF)
Calculates the distance between the current instance of BoxF and the given plane.
Public methodGetPlaneSide(PlaneF)
Determines from which side of the plane the box is on.
Public methodGetPlaneSide(PlaneF)
Determines from which side of the plane the box is on.
Public methodGetPointDistance
Calculates the distance between the current instance of BoxF and the given point.
Public methodGetPointDistanceSquared
Calculates the squared distance between the current instance of BoxF and the given point.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVolume
Returns the volume of the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(BoundsF)
Determines whether the given bounds intersect the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(BoundsF)
Determines whether the given bounds intersect the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(BoxF)
Determines whether another instance of BoxF intersects the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(BoxF)
Determines whether another instance of BoxF intersects the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(RayF)
Determines whether the given ray intersects the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(RayF)
Determines whether the given ray intersects the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(RayF, Single, Single)
Determines whether the given ray intersects the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIntersects(RayF, Single, Single)
Determines whether the given ray intersects the current instance of BoxF.
Public methodIsCleared
Determines whether the box is not initialized.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(BoxF, Matrix3F)
Multiplication of a given box and a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(BoxF, Matrix4F)
Multiplication of a given box and a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(BoxF, Matrix3F, BoxF)
Multiplication of a given box and a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(BoxF, Matrix4F, BoxF)
Multiplication of a given box and a matrix.
Public methodToBounds
Converts the current instance of BoxF into the equivalent BoundsF structure.
Public methodToBounds(BoundsF)
Converts the current instance of BoxF into the equivalent BoundsF structure.
Public methodToBox
Converts the current instance of BoxF to the box of Box format.
Public methodToPoints
Converts the current instance of BoxF into the box corners array and returns the result.
Public methodToPoints(Vector3F)
Converts the current instance of BoxF into the box corners array.
Public methodToString
Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public operatorStatic memberAddition
Addition of a given box and a vector.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Determines whether two given boxes are equal.
Public operatorStatic member(BoxF to Box)
Implicit conversion from BoxF type to Box type for the given value.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Determines whether two given boxes are unequal.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(BoxF, Matrix3F)
Multiplication of a given box and a matrix.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(BoxF, Matrix4F)
Multiplication of a given box and a matrix.
Public fieldAxis
Axis of the box.
Public fieldCenter
The center of the box.
Public fieldStatic memberCleared
Not initialized box.
Public fieldExtents
The extents of the box.
Public fieldStatic memberZero
The box with zero size.
Extension Methods
See Also