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Ambient Occlusion

Screen effectsManual / Base Types / Screen effects / Ambient OcclusionAntialiasing

Ambient Occlusion

Adaptive Screen Space Ambient Occlusion screen effect.

Name Description
Intensity The intensity of the effect.
Quality The quality of the effect.
Adaptive Quality Limit Adaptive quality limitation. Only for highest adaptive mode.
Radius World (view) space size of the occlusion sphere.
Multiplier Linear multiplier of effect strength.
Power Pow modifier of effect strength.
Fade Out From Distance from which the effect to start fading out.
Fade Out To Distance from which the effect is faded out.
Detail Strength Used for high-res detail AO using neighboring depth pixels. Adds a lot of detail but also reduces temporal stability (adds aliasing).
Detail Strength Distance Maximal distance of detail strength effect.
Blur Amount Number of edge-sensitive smart blur passes to apply. Quality 0 is an exception with only one 'dumb' blur pass is used.
Sharpness How much to bleed over edges; 1: not at all, 0.5: half-half; 0.0: completely ignore edges.
Show AO Enables the debug visualization of the effect.
See also
Screen effectsAntialiasing