Click or drag to resize

GameMode Events

The GameMode type exposes the following members.

Public eventAddedToParent
Occurs when a component is added to the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventCamera2DPickInteractiveObjectDistanceChanged
Occurs when the Camera2DPickInteractiveObjectDistance property value changes.
Public eventCloneEvent
Occurs when object is cloned.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventCloneSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of CloneSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentAdded
Occurs when a child component is added.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentRemoved
Occurs when a child component is removed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentsChanged
Occurs when the set of children is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisabledEvent
Occurs when the object is disabled from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisplayInEditorChanged
Occurs when value of DisplayInEditor property is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisplayTargetChanged
Occurs when the DisplayTarget property value changes.
Public eventDisplayTargetColorChanged
Occurs when the DisplayTargetColor property value changes.
Public eventDisplayTargetImageChanged
Occurs when the DisplayTargetImage property value changes.
Public eventDisplayTargetSizeChanged
Occurs when the DisplayTargetSize property value changes.
Public eventDisposeEvent
Occurs when the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledChanged
Occurs when the Enabled property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledEvent
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInHierarchyChanged
Occurs when the EnabledInHierarchy property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventFirstPersonCameraAttachToEyesChanged
Occurs when the FirstPersonCameraAttachToEyes property value changes.
Public eventFirstPersonCameraCutVolumeRadiusChanged
Occurs when the FirstPersonCameraCutVolumeRadius property value changes.
Public eventFirstPersonCameraPickInteractiveObjectDistanceChanged
Occurs when the FirstPersonCameraPickInteractiveObjectDistance property value changes.
Public eventFirstPersonCameraShowControlledObjectChanged
Occurs when the FirstPersonCameraShowControlledObject property value changes.
Public eventFreeCameraChanged
Occurs when the FreeCamera property value changes.
Public eventFreeCameraKeyChanged
Occurs when the FreeCameraKey property value changes.
Public eventFreeCameraSpeedFastChanged
Public eventFreeCameraSpeedNormalChanged
Public eventGetCameraSettingsEvent
Public eventGetInteractiveObjectInfoEvent
Public eventInputMessageEvent
Public eventInventoryCharacterCanHaveSeveralWeaponsChanged
Occurs when the InventoryCharacterCanHaveSeveralWeapons property value changes.
Public eventInventoryCharacterCanHaveSeveralWeaponsOfSameTypeChanged
Occurs when the InventoryCharacterCanHaveSeveralWeaponsOfSameType property value changes.
Public eventInventoryWidgetChanged
Occurs when the InventoryWidget property value changes.
Public eventItemCanActivate
Public eventItemCanDeactivate
Public eventItemCanDrop
Public eventItemCanTake
Public eventKeyBackward1Changed
Occurs when the KeyBackward1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyBackward2Changed
Occurs when the KeyBackward2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyBrake1Changed
Occurs when the KeyBrake1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyBrake2Changed
Occurs when the KeyBrake2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyCamera1Changed
Occurs when the KeyCamera1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyCamera2Changed
Occurs when the KeyCamera2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyDrop1Changed
Occurs when the KeyDrop1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyDrop2Changed
Occurs when the KeyDrop2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyForward1Changed
Occurs when the KeyForward1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyForward2Changed
Occurs when the KeyForward2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyHeadlights1Changed
Occurs when the KeyHeadlights1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyHeadlights2Changed
Occurs when the KeyHeadlights2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyInteract1Changed
Occurs when the KeyInteract1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyInteract2Changed
Occurs when the KeyInteract2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyJump1Changed
Occurs when the KeyJump1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyJump2Changed
Occurs when the KeyJump2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyLeft1Changed
Occurs when the KeyLeft1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyLeft2Changed
Occurs when the KeyLeft2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyRight1Changed
Occurs when the KeyRight1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyRight2Changed
Occurs when the KeyRight2 property value changes.
Public eventKeyRun1Changed
Occurs when the KeyRun1 property value changes.
Public eventKeyRun2Changed
Occurs when the KeyRun2 property value changes.
Public eventLoadEvent
Occurs during object loading.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMemberBySignatureEvent
Occurs when the object metadata member is received by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersEvent
Occurs upon receipt of the object's metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersFilterEvent
Occurs when filtering receive members of the object metadata.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventNameChanged
Occurs when component name is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventNetworkModeChanged
Occurs when the NetworkMode property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventObjectControlledByPlayerChanged
Public eventPickInteractiveObjectEvent
Public eventPreloadResourcesEvent
Occurs when preloading the resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromServer (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventRemovedFromParent
Occurs when a component is removed from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventRender
Public eventRenderObjectInteractionEvent
Public eventRenderTargetImageBefore
Public eventRenderUI
Public eventReplaceCameraChanged
Occurs when the ReplaceCamera property value changes.
Public eventSaveEvent
Occurs during object saving.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSaveSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of SaveSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventScreenLabelChanged
Occurs when the ScreenLabel property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventShowControlledObject
Public eventSimulationStep
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSimulationStepClient
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventThirdPersonCameraAllowLookToBackWhenNoActiveItemChanged
Occurs when the ThirdPersonCameraAllowLookToBackWhenNoActiveItem property value changes.
Public eventThirdPersonCameraDistanceChanged
Occurs when the ThirdPersonCameraDistance property value changes.
Public eventThirdPersonCameraHeightChanged
Occurs when the ThirdPersonCameraHeight property value changes.
Public eventThirdPersonCameraHorizontalAngleChanged
Occurs when the ThirdPersonCameraHorizontalAngle property value changes.
Public eventThirdPersonCameraLeftChanged
Occurs when the ThirdPersonCameraLeft property value changes.
Public eventThirdPersonCameraPickInteractiveObjectDistanceChanged
Occurs when the ThirdPersonCameraPickInteractiveObjectDistance property value changes.
Public eventThirdPersonCameraVerticalAngleChanged
Occurs when the ThirdPersonCameraVerticalAngle property value changes.
Public eventUpdateEvent
Occurs during the update process of all objects.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventUseBuiltInCameraChanged
See Also