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WeldJoint Properties

The WeldJoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBodyA
Get the first body attached to this joint.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyBodyB
Get the second body attached to this joint.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyBreakpoint
The Breakpoint simply indicates the maximum Value the JointError can be before it breaks. The default value is float.MaxValue, which means it never breaks.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyCollideConnected
Set this flag to true if the attached bodies should collide.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyDampingRatio
The damping on the joint. The damping is only used when the joint has a frequency (> 0). A higher value means more damping.
Public propertyFrequencyHz
The frequency of the joint. A higher frequency means a stiffer joint, but a too high value can cause the joint to oscillate. Default is 0, which means the joint does no spring calculations.
Public propertyJointType
Gets or sets the type of the joint.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyLocalAnchorA
The local anchor point on BodyA
Public propertyLocalAnchorB
The local anchor point on BodyB
Public propertyReferenceAngle
The bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in the reference state (radians).
Public propertyWorld
Get the parent World of this joint. This is null if the joint is not attached.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyWorldAnchorA (Overrides JointWorldAnchorA.)
Public propertyWorldAnchorB (Overrides JointWorldAnchorB.)
See Also