Vehicle Type Wheel
| Description
| The position offset for the wheel.
| The diameter of the wheel.
| The width of the wheel.
| The amount of wheels on one side.
| The distance between wheels on one side.
| Whether to create two wheels, instead of one. Use it to make three-wheellers, airplanes.
| The mesh of the wheel.
| The mass of the wheel.
Suspension Min Length
| How long the suspension is in max raised position relative to the attachment point (m).
Suspension Max Length
| How long the suspension is in max droop position relative to the attachment point (m).
Suspension Preload Length
| The natural length (m) of the suspension spring is defined as SuspensionMaxLength + SuspensionPreloadLength.
Anti Roll Bar Stiffness
| Stiffness (spring constant in N/m) of front wheel anti rollbar. Can be 0 to disable the anti-rollbar.
Max Brake Torque
| How much torque (Nm) the brakes can apply to front wheel.
Max Hand Brake Torque
| How much torque (Nm) the hand brake can apply to front wheel.
Angular Damping
| Angular damping factor of the wheel: dw/dt = -c * w.
Longitudinal Friction
| v_longitudinal|.
Lateral Friction
| Friction in sideway direction of tire as a function of the slip angle (degrees): angle between relative contact velocity and vehicle direction.
Max Steering Angle
| The maximal steering angle of front wheels.
Differential Ratio
| Ratio between rotation speed of gear box and wheels.
Differential Left Right Split
| Defines how the engine torque is split across the left and right wheel (0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right).
Differential Limited Slip Ratio
| Ratio max / min wheel speed. When this ratio is exceeded, all torque gets distributed to the slowest moving wheel. This allows implementing a limited slip differential. Set to FLT_MAX (3.402823466e+38F) for an open differential. Value should be > 1.
Differential Engine Torque Ratio
| How much of the engines torque is applied to this differential (0 = none, 1 = full).
Tracks Longitudinal Friction
| Friction in forward direction of tire. For Tracks mode only.
Tracks Lateral Friction
| Friction in sideway direction of tire. For Tracks mode only.
See also