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Bgfx Class

Managed interface to the bgfx graphics library.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Internal.SharpBgfx
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public static class Bgfx

The Bgfx type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAllocateTransientBuffers
Attempts to allocate both a transient vertex buffer and index buffer.
Public methodStatic memberBegin
Begins submission of commands via an encoder on this thread.
Public methodStatic memberCallSpecial(String)
Public methodStatic memberCallSpecial(String, IntPtr)
Public methodStatic memberCallSpecial(String, IntPtr, IntPtr)
Public methodStatic memberCallSpecial(String, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr)
Public methodStatic memberCallSpecial(String, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr)
Public methodStatic memberDebugTextClear
Clears the debug text buffer.
Public methodStatic memberDebugTextImage(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Byte, Int32)
Draws data directly into the debug text buffer.
Public methodStatic memberDebugTextImage(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, IntPtr, Int32)
Draws data directly into the debug text buffer.
Public methodStatic memberDebugTextWrite(Int32, Int32, DebugColor, DebugColor, IntPtr)
Writes debug text to the screen.
Public methodStatic memberDebugTextWrite(Int32, Int32, DebugColor, DebugColor, String)
Writes debug text to the screen.
Public methodStatic memberDebugTextWrite(Int32, Int32, DebugColor, DebugColor, String, Object)
Writes debug text to the screen.
Public methodStatic memberDiscard
Discards all previously set state for the draw call.
Public methodStatic memberDispatch(UInt16, Program, IndirectBuffer, Int32, Int32, DiscardFlags)
Dispatches an indirect compute job.
Public methodStatic memberDispatch(UInt16, Program, Int32, Int32, Int32, DiscardFlags)
Dispatches a compute job.
Public methodStatic memberFrame
Advances to the next frame.
Public methodStatic memberGetBackendName
Gets the friendly name of a specific rendering backend.
Public methodStatic memberGetCaps
Gets the capabilities of the rendering device.
Public methodStatic memberGetCurrentBackend
Gets the currently active rendering backend API.
Public methodStatic memberGetGPUDescription
Public methodStatic memberGetInternalData
Gets access to underlying API internals for interop scenarios.
Public methodStatic memberGetStats
Gets frame performance statistics.
Public methodStatic memberGetSupportedBackends
Gets the set of supported rendering backends.
Public methodStatic memberImageRgba8Downsample2x2
Downsamples an RGBA8 image with a 2x2 pixel average filter.
Public methodStatic memberImageSwizzleBgra8
Swizzles an RGBA8 image to BGRA8.
Public methodStatic memberInit
Initializes the graphics library on the specified adapter.
Public methodStatic memberManuallyRenderFrame
Manually renders a frame. Use this to control the Bgfx render loop.
Public methodStatic memberRequestScreenShot(String)
Requests that a screenshot be saved. The ScreenshotTaken event will be fired to save the result.
Public methodStatic memberRequestScreenShot(FrameBuffer, String)
Requests that a screenshot be saved. The ScreenshotTaken event will be fired to save the result.
Public methodStatic memberReset
Resets graphics settings and surfaces.
Public methodStatic memberResetView
Resets all view settings to default.
Public methodStatic memberSetComputeBuffer(Byte, DynamicIndexBuffer, ComputeBufferAccess)
Sets a dynamic index buffer as a compute resource.
Public methodStatic memberSetComputeBuffer(Byte, DynamicVertexBuffer, ComputeBufferAccess)
Sets a dynamic vertex buffer as a compute resource.
Public methodStatic memberSetComputeBuffer(Byte, IndexBuffer, ComputeBufferAccess)
Sets an index buffer as a compute resource.
Public methodStatic memberSetComputeBuffer(Byte, IndirectBuffer, ComputeBufferAccess)
Sets an indirect buffer as a compute resource.
Public methodStatic memberSetComputeBuffer(Byte, VertexBuffer, ComputeBufferAccess)
Sets a verterx buffer as a compute resource.
Public methodStatic memberSetComputeImage
Sets a texture mip as a compute image.
Public methodStatic memberSetDebugFeatures
Enables debugging features.
Public methodStatic memberSetDebugMarker
Sets a marker that can be used for debugging purposes.
Public methodStatic memberSetIndexBuffer(DynamicIndexBuffer)
Sets the index buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer)
Sets the index buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetIndexBuffer(TransientIndexBuffer)
Sets the index buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetIndexBuffer(DynamicIndexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets the index buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets the index buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetIndexBuffer(TransientIndexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets the index buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetInstanceCount
Sets the number of auto-generated indices for use with gl_InstanceID.
Public methodStatic memberSetInstanceDataBuffer(DynamicVertexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets instance data to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetInstanceDataBuffer(InstanceDataBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets instance data to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetInstanceDataBuffer(VertexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets instance data to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetPaletteColor
Sets an entry in the color palette.
Public methodStatic memberSetPlatformData
Sets platform-specific data pointers to hook into low-level library functionality.
Public methodStatic memberSetRenderState(RenderState)
Set rendering states used to draw primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetRenderState(RenderState, Int32)
Set rendering states used to draw primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetScissor(Int32)
Sets a scissor rectangle from the cache.
Public methodStatic memberSetScissor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Sets the scissor rectangle to use for clipping primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetStencil(StencilFlags)
Sets stencil test state.
Public methodStatic memberSetStencil(StencilFlags, StencilFlags)
Sets stencil test state.
Public methodStatic memberSetTexture(Byte, Uniform, Texture)
Sets a texture to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetTexture(Byte, Uniform, Texture, TextureFlags)
Sets a texture to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetTextures
Public methodStatic memberSetTransform(Int32, Int32)
Sets a model transform from the cache.
Public methodStatic memberSetTransform(Single*, Int32)
Sets the model transform to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetTripleBuffering
Public methodStatic memberSetUniform(Uniform, IntPtr, Int32)
Sets the value of a uniform parameter.
Public methodStatic memberSetUniform(Uniform, Single, Int32)
Sets the value of a uniform parameter.
Public methodStatic memberSetUniform(Uniform, Void*, Int32)
Sets the value of a uniform parameter.
Public methodStatic memberSetVertexBuffer(Int32, DynamicVertexBuffer)
Sets the vertex buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetVertexBuffer(Int32, TransientVertexBuffer)
Sets the vertex buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetVertexBuffer(Int32, VertexBuffer)
Sets the vertex buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetVertexBuffer(Int32, DynamicVertexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets the vertex buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetVertexBuffer(Int32, TransientVertexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets the vertex buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetVertexBuffer(Int32, VertexBuffer, Int32, Int32)
Sets the vertex buffer to use for drawing primitives.
Public methodStatic memberSetVertexCount
Sets the number of auto-generated vertices for use with gl_VertexID.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewClear(UInt16, ClearTargets, UInt32, Single, Byte)
Sets view clear flags.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewClear(UInt16, ClearTargets, Single, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte)
Sets view clear flags for multiple render targets.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewFrameBuffer
Sets the frame buffer used by a particular view.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewMode
Sets the sorting mode to use for the given view.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewName
Sets the name of a rendering view, for debugging purposes.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewRect(UInt16, Int32, Int32, BackbufferRatio)
Sets the viewport for the given rendering view.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewRect(UInt16, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Sets the viewport for the given rendering view.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewScissor
Sets the scissor rectangle for a specific view.
Public methodStatic memberSetViewTransform
Sets the view and projection transforms for the given rendering view.
Public methodStatic memberSetWindowHandle
Sets the handle of the main rendering window.
Public methodStatic memberShutdown
Closes the library and releases all resources.
Public methodStatic memberSubmit(UInt16, Program, Int32, DiscardFlags)
Submits the current batch of primitives for rendering.
Public methodStatic memberSubmit(UInt16, Program, OcclusionQuery, Int32, DiscardFlags)
Submits the current batch of primitives for rendering.
Public methodStatic memberSubmit(UInt16, Program, IndirectBuffer, Int32, Int32, Int32, DiscardFlags)
Submits an indirect batch of drawing commands to be used for rendering.
Public methodStatic memberTopologyConvert
Public methodStatic memberTouch
Marks a view as "touched", ensuring that its background is cleared even if nothing is rendered.
Public methodStatic memberVertexConvert
Converts a stream of vertex data from one format to another.
Public methodStatic memberVertexPack
Packs a vector into vertex stream format.
Public methodStatic memberVertexUnpack
Unpack a vector from a vertex stream.
See Also