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ShaderConstants Class

Provides access to constants in shaders.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NeoAxis
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public static class ShaderConstants

The ShaderConstants type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCameraExposure
Public propertyStatic memberCameraPosition
Public propertyStatic memberColor0
Gets color 0 of the vertex or of the fragment. Works only in vertex and fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberDisplacementMaxSteps
Public propertyStatic memberDisplacementScale
Public propertyStatic memberEmissiveMaterialsFactor
Public propertyStatic memberEngineTime
Gets the engine time.
Public propertyStatic memberFragmentCoordinates
Gets the window-relative coordinates of the current fragment.
Public propertyStatic memberFragmentWorldNormal
Gets world normal of the fragment. Works only in fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberFragmentWorldPosition
Gets world position of the fragment. Works only in fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberInstanceParameter1
Gets material instance parameter 1.
Public propertyStatic memberInstanceParameter2
Gets material instance parameter 2.
Public propertyStatic memberIsFrontFace
Indicates whether a primitive is front or back facing. Works only in fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberPrecipitationFallen
Public propertyStatic memberPrecipitationFalling
Public propertyStatic memberProvideColorDepthTextureCopy
Public propertyStatic memberRemoveTextureTiling
Public propertyStatic memberShadowObjectVisibilityDistanceFactor
Gets the multiplier of shadow visibility distance depending of object visibility distance.
Public propertyStatic memberTemparature
Public propertyStatic memberTexCoord0
Gets texture coordinate 0 of the vertex or of the fragment. Works only in vertex and fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberTexCoord0BeforeDisplacement
Gets texture coordinate 0 of the fragment before displacement. Works only in fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberTexCoord1
Gets texture coordinate 1 of the vertex or of the fragment. Works only in vertex and fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberTexCoord1BeforeDisplacement
Gets texture coordinate 1 of the fragment before displacement. Works only in fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberTexCoord2
Gets texture coordinate 2 of the vertex or of the fragment. Works only in vertex and fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberTexCoord2BeforeDisplacement
Gets texture coordinate 2 of the fragment before displacement. Works only in fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberTimeOfDay
Public propertyStatic memberUnwrappedUV
Gets texture coordinate unwrapped UV of the vertex or of the fragment. Works only in vertex and fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberUnwrappedUVBeforeDisplacement
Gets texture coordinate unwrapped UV of the fragment before displacement. Works only in fragment shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberVertexNormal
Gets normal of a vertex. Works only in vertex shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberVertexPosition
Gets position of a vertex. Works only in vertex shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberVertexTangent
Gets tangent vector of a vertex. Works only in vertex shaders.
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerCameraDirection
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerCameraPosition
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerCameraUp
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerDebugMode
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerFarClipDistance
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerFieldOfView
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerNearClipDistance
Public propertyStatic memberViewportOwnerShadowFarDistance
Public propertyStatic memberViewportSize
Public propertyStatic memberWindSpeed
Gets the wind speed vector of the scene.
Public propertyStatic memberWorldMatrix
Gets world matrix. Works only in vertex shaders.
See Also