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Character 2D

Character 2D TypeManual / Base Types / 2D / Character 2DCharacter 2D Input Processing

Character 2D


Basic 2D character class. The base settings are configured by means of Character 2D Type. An example scene is in 'Samples\Starter Content\Scenes\Character 2D.scene'.

How to create

The character is created like other objects, the easiest way to do this is to drop it into the scene from the Resources Window.

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Player control settings

In order to configure character control by a player, you need to configure the properties of the Game Mode object. This object is in the scene. The Object Controlled By Player property should point to the character.

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Now by launching the Player App, you can control the character.

Character customization

The character is customizable using properties and nested components. By default, the character contains a sprite, a physical body, a component for controlling the player, and artificial intelligence.


Using properties, you can turn on/off certain components of the character, for example, the ability to run. Having changed the sprite, you will need to change the values of the properties in the Animation group.

Name Description
Create a character as a separate file

The character can be created as a separate file with the extension .character.

Using a character in a previously created scene as a type

In order to create character types, it is not necessary to create a .character file. You can use the scene and the character created in it as a type. To do this, select the scene file in the Resources Window and click '+'. In the expanded list there will be scene objects that can be dragged and dropped into another scene.

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See also
Character 2D TypeCharacter 2D Input Processing