DeviceFeatures Enumeration |
Specifies various capabilities supported by the rendering device.
NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public enum DeviceFeatures
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
No extra features supported.
| AlphaToCoverage | 1 |
Device supports alpha to coverage.
| BlendIndependent | 2 |
Device supports independent blending of simultaneous render targets.
| Compute | 4 |
Device supports compute shaders.
| ConservativeRasterization | 8 |
Device supports conservative rasterization.
| DrawIndirect | 16 |
Device supports indirect drawing via GPU buffers.
| FragmentDepth | 32 |
Fragment shaders can access depth values.
| FragmentOrdering | 64 |
Device supports ordering of fragment output.
| GraphicsDebugger | 128 |
A graphics debugger is present.
| HDR10 | 256 |
Devices supports HDR10 rendering.
| HighDPI | 512 |
Device supports high-DPI rendering.
| ImageRW | 1024 |
Image Read/Write is supported.
| Index32 | 2048 |
Device supports 32-bit indices.
| Instancing | 4096 |
Device supports instancing.
| OcclusionQuery | 8192 |
Device supports occlusion queries.
| RendererMultithreaded | 16384 |
Device supports multithreaded rendering.
| SwapChain | 32768 |
Indicates whether the device can render to multiple swap chains.
| Texture2DArray | 65536 |
Device supports 2D texture arrays.
| Texture3D | 131072 |
Device supports 3D textures.
| TextureBlit | 262144 |
Device supports texture blits.
| TransparentBackBuffer | 524288 |
Transparent back buffer supported.
| TextureCompareReserved | 1048576 |
Device supports other texture comparison modes.
| TextureCompareLessEqual | 2097152 |
Device supports "Less than or equal to" texture comparison mode.
| TextureCubeArray | 4194304 |
Device supports cubemap texture arrays.
| TextureDirectAccess | 8388608 |
Device supports directly accessing texture data.
| TextureReadBack | 16777216 |
Device supports reading back texture data.
| VertexAttributeHalf | 33554432 |
Device supports 16-bit floats as vertex attributes.
| VertexAttributeUInt10 | 67108864 |
UInt10 vertex attributes are supported.
| VertexID | 134217728 |
Devices supports rendering with VertexID only.
| PrimitiveId | 268435456 | |
| ViewportLayerArray | 536870912 |
Viewport layer is available in vertex shader.
| DrawIndirectCount | 1073741824 |
Draw indirect wit.
See Also