NeoAxis Engine 2024.2 Released

NeoAxis has released a new version of the NeoAxis Engine, a versatile game engine designed for creating video games and real-time apps.

This release includes improvements to the content import pipeline, a new visual prefab editor, the ability to create complex objects, and improved editor stability. More game specific functionality now includes a full-featured vehicle editor, a new gate component, updated interactive objects, and new demo scenes.

Full changelog

Visual prefab editor

A new visual editor for ObjectInSpace scene objects (prefabs). The child components can be configured with the transform tool.

Vehicle improvements, visual vehicle editor

  • Vehicle: Three and more wheels chassis support. Was only 4 wheels.
  • Vehicle: Tracked chassis support.
  • Vehicle: Recoil force.
  • Vehicle: Shader parameter format for lights has been improved.
  • Vehicle editor: More visual tools, easier to create a new vehicle type.

Improved shader editor

The shader editor now works without strange freezes. You can configure auto compilation settings.

Gate component

A new gate component. Physically-based, kinematic, various types of doors.

Improved fence constructor and surface area

Various small improvements were added to fence constructor and surface area. Now it is easy to create rooms, dungeons.

Next plans

Next plans include upgrade to DirectX 12, Vulkan graphics level, finishing cloud services, adding full indirect lighting and reflection.

See also

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