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EKeys Enumeration

Specifies keyboard key codes.

Namespace:  NeoAxis
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public enum EKeys
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No key.
Cancel3 The CANCEL key.
Back8 The BACKSPACE key.
Tab9 The TAB key.
LineFeed10 The LINEFEED key.
Clear12 The CLEAR key.
Enter13 The ENTER key.
Return13 The RETURN key.
Shift16 The SHIFT key.
Control17 The CTRL key.
Menu18 The ALT key.
Alt18 The ALT key.
Pause19 The PAUSE key.
CapsLock20 The CAPS LOCK key.
Capital20 The CAPS LOCK key.
KanaMode21 The IME Kana mode key.
HangulMode21 The IME Hangul mode key.
JunjaMode23 The IME Junja mode key.
FinalMode24 The IME final mode key.
KanjiMode25 The IME Kanji mode key.
HanjaMode25 The IME Hanja mode key.
Escape27 The ESC key.
IMEConvert28 The IME convert key.
IMENonconvert29 The IME nonconvert key.
IMEAccept30 The IME accept key.
IMEModeChange31 The IME mode change key.
Space32 The SPACEBAR key.
Prior33 The PAGE UP key.
PageUp33 The PAGE UP key.
Next34 The PAGE DOWN key.
PageDown34 The PAGE DOWN key.
End35 The END key.
Home36 The HOME key.
Left37 The LEFT ARROW key.
Up38 The UP ARROW key.
Right39 The RIGHT ARROW key.
Down40 The DOWN ARROW key.
Select41 The SELECT key.
Print42 The PRINT key.
Execute43 The EXECUTE key.
PrintScreen44 The PRINT SCREEN key.
Snapshot44 The PRINT SCREEN key.
Insert45 The INS key.
Delete46 The DEL key.
Help47 The HELP key.
D048 The 0 key.
D149 The 1 key.
D250 The 2 key.
D351 The 3 key.
D452 The 4 key.
D553 The 5 key.
D654 The 6 key.
D755 The 7 key.
D856 The 8 key.
D957 The 9 key.
A65 The A key.
B66 The B key.
C67 The C key.
D68 The D key.
E69 The E key.
F70 The F key.
G71 The G key.
H72 The H key.
I73 The I key.
J74 The J key.
K75 The K key.
L76 The L key.
M77 The M key.
N78 The N key.
O79 The O key.
P80 The P key.
Q81 The Q key.
R82 The R key.
S83 The S key.
T84 The T key.
U85 The U key.
V86 The V key.
W87 The W key.
X88 The X key.
Y89 The Y key.
Z90 The Z key.
LWin91 The left Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
RWin92 The right Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
Apps93 The application key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
Sleep95 The computer sleep key.
NumPad096 The 0 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad197 The 1 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad298 The 2 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad399 The 3 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad4100 The 4 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad5101 The 5 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad6102 The 6 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad7103 The 7 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad8104 The 8 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad9105 The 9 key on the numeric keypad.
Multiply106 The multiply key.
Add107 The add key.
Separator108 The separator key.
Subtract109 The subtract key.
Decimal110 The decimal key.
Divide111 The divide key.
F1112 The F1 key.
F2113 The F2 key.
F3114 The F3 key.
F4115 The F4 key.
F5116 The F5 key.
F6117 The F6 key.
F7118 The F7 key.
F8119 The F8 key.
F9120 The F9 key.
F10121 The F10 key.
F11122 The F11 key.
F12123 The F12 key.
F13124 The F13 key.
F14125 The F14 key.
F15126 The F15 key.
F16127 The F16 key.
F17128 The F17 key.
F18129 The F18 key.
F19130 The F19 key.
F20131 The F20 key.
F21132 The F21 key.
F22133 The F22 key.
F23134 The F23 key.
F24135 The F24 key.
NumLock144 The NUM LOCK key.
Scroll145 The SCROLL LOCK key.
LShift160 The left SHIFT key.
RShift161 The right SHIFT key.
LControl162 The left CTRL key.
RControl163 The right CTRL key.
LAlt164 The left ALT key.
LMenu164 The left ALT key.
RAlt165 The right ALT key.
RMenu165 The right ALT key.
BrowserBack166 The browser back key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserForward167 The browser forward key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserRefresh168 The browser refresh key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserStop169 The browser stop key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserSearch170 The browser search key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserFavorites171 The browser favorites key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserHome172 The browser home key (Windows 2000 or later).
VolumeMute173 The volume mute key (Windows 2000 or later).
VolumeDown174 The volume down key (Windows 2000 or later).
VolumeUp175 The volume up key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaNextTrack176 The media next track key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaPreviousTrack177 The media previous track key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaStop178 The media Stop key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaPlayPause179 The media play pause key (Windows 2000 or later).
LaunchMail180 The launch mail key (Windows 2000 or later).
SelectMedia181 The select media key (Windows 2000 or later).
LaunchApplication1182 The start application one key (Windows 2000 or later).
LaunchApplication2183 The start application two key (Windows 2000 or later).
Oem1186 The OEM 1 key.
OemSemicolon186 The OEM Semicolon key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oemplus187 The OEM plus key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oemcomma188 The OEM comma key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemMinus189 The OEM minus key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemPeriod190 The OEM period key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemQuestion191 The OEM question mark key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oem2191 The OEM 2 key.
Oemtilde192 The OEM tilde key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oem3192 The OEM 3 key.
Oem4219 The OEM 4 key.
OemOpenBrackets219 The OEM open bracket key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemPipe220 The OEM pipe key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oem5220 The OEM 5 key.
Oem6221 The OEM 6 key.
OemCloseBrackets221 The OEM close bracket key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oem7222 The OEM 7 key.
OemQuotes222 The OEM singled/double quote key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oem8223 The OEM 8 key.
Oem102226 The OEM 102 key.
OemBackslash226 The OEM angle bracket or backslash key on the RT 102 key keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
ProcessKey229 The PROCESS KEY key.
Attn246 The ATTN key.
Crsel247 The CRSEL key.
Exsel248 The EXSEL key.
EraseEof249 The ERASE EOF key.
Play250 The PLAY key.
Zoom251 The ZOOM key.
Pa1253 The PA1 key.
OemClear254 The CLEAR key.
Paragraph255 The paragraph key.
Function256 The function key.
Command257 The command key.
LCommand258 The left command key.
RCommand259 The right command key.
MediaClose260 The media eject key (Android).
MediaEject261 The media eject key (Android).
MediaFastForward262 The media fast forward key (Android).
MediaPause263 The media pause key (Android).
MediaPlay264 The media play key (Android).
MediaRecord265 The media record key (Android).
MediaRewind266 The media rewind key (Android).
AndroidMenu267 The menu key (Android).
ZoomIn268 The zoom in key (Android).
ZoomOut269 The zoom out key (Android).
MetaLeft270 The meta left key (Android).
MetaRight271 The meta right key (Android).
Notification272 The notification key (Android).
AndroidNum273 The num key (Android).
ApplicationSwitch274 App switch key. Should bring up the application switcher dialog (Android).
Bookmark275 Bookmark key. On some TV remotes, bookmarks content or web pages (Android).
Call276 The call key (Android).
EndCall277 The end call key (Android).
Explorer278 Explorer special function key. Used to launch a browser application (Android).
Camera279 Camera key. Used to launch a camera application or take pictures (Android).
Focus280 Camera Focus key. Used to focus the camera (Android).
HeadsetHook281 Headset Hook key. Used to hang up calls and stop media (Android).
NumPadEquals282 Numeric keypad '=' key (Android).
NumPadLeftParen283 Numeric keypad '(' key (Android).
NumPadRightParen284 Numeric keypad ')' key (Android).
Power285 The power key (Android).
Settings286 The settings key. Starts the system settings activity (Android).
SoftLeft287 The soft left key. Usually situated below the display on phones and used as a multi-function feature key for selecting a software defined function shown on the bottom left of the display (Android).
SoftRight288 The soft right key. Usually situated below the display on phones and used as a multi-function feature key for selecting a software defined function shown on the bottom right of the display (Android).
Symbol289 The symbol modifier key. Used to enter alternate symbols (Android).
PictureSymbols290 The picture symbols modifier key. Used to switch symbol sets (Emoji, Kao-moji) (Android).
SwitchCharset291 The switch charset modifier key. Used to switch character sets (Kanji, Katakana) (Android).
AVRInput292 The A/V Receiver input key. On TV remotes, switches the input mode on an external A/V Receiver (Android)
AVRPower293 The A/V Receiver power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on an external A/V Receiver (Android)
Captions294 The toggle captions key. Switches the mode for closed-captioning text, for example during television shows (Android)
ChannelDown295 The channel down key. On TV remotes, decrements the television channel (Android)
ChannelUp296 The channel up key. On TV remotes, increments the television channel (Android)
DVR297 The DVR key. On some TV remotes, switches to a DVR mode for recorded shows (Android)
Guide298 The guide key. On TV remotes, shows a programming guide(Android)
Info299 The info key. Common on TV remotes to show additional information related to what is currently being viewed(Android)
ProgBlue300 The blue "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key (Android)
ProgGreen301 The green "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key (Android)
ProgRed302 The red "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key (Android)
ProgYellow303 The yellow "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key (Android)
STBInput304 The set-top-box input key. On TV remotes, switches the input mode on an external set-top-box (Android)
STBPower305 The set-top-box power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on an external Set-top-box (Android)
TV306 The TV key. On TV remotes, switches to viewing live TV (Android)
TVInput307 The TV input key. On TV remotes, switches the input on a television screen (Android)
TVPower308 The TV power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on a television screen (Android)
Window309 The window key. On TV remotes, toggles picture-in-picture mode or other windowing functions (Android)
See Also